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What winds you up about other drivers



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As per the title. What winds you up about other drivers.
My biggest gripe is when you pull over to let another car through they don't acknowledge you
Or put their hand up this really winds me up. Manners cost nothing :doh
I'm sure most of you have similar gripes :barmy
This could be a very very long thread Kev.

For me it is people who do not drive at a constant speed on the motorway meaning i have to keep resetting the cruise control, also other cali drivers that do not wave back to me !
Agree Martin. I'm sure 10 minutes is the best I've managed without hitting brake or changing speed using the buttons!
I think you're right Martin, this will be a long one. :laugh2

For me it's lane discipline. People cruising down the middle lane without a care in the world turn a 3 lane motorway into a dual carriageway.

Another thing is drivers who do the same thing every day so they have to be in a certain lane or position at a certain time and cannot comprehend deviation from their routine. So it maybe they join the motorway and have to get into lane 3 straight away or on a long exit slip road immediately going to the right lane despite only crawling along or when joining the motorway crawling down lane two of a slip road when lane one is empty.
This is easy to answer calikev. People who use mobile phones when driving it really makes me angry when you see people trying to steer with a :censor phone in one hand :doh
Kev you've opened up Pandoras box !!!!!!
Don't get me started, as you know I drive a truck for a living.
You name it I've seen it..... a guy came down the on slip M1 J11 last week & tried to barge in in front of my truck. Wrong move pal ! then he comes around the back of truck in to lane 2. I then see he has a bowl of cerial balanced on his lap & is munching. All whilst driving in narrow lanes through road works on one of the busiest stretches of motorway in UK !!

Believe it or not car drivers will try to 'push' my truck over a lane so they can get on to a motorway ! We are talking a 16.5 meter potentially 44 ton vehicle vs 1.5 ton car !!

I'll not bore you all with any more, I could be here all night !
the driver which winds me up is .....the missus never letting me drive the new cali - talk about hogging it :crazy

lol dave and lisa
Andy said:
Kev you've opened up Pandoras box !!!!!!
Don't get me started, as you know I drive a truck for a living.
You name it I've seen it..... a guy came down the on slip M1 J11 last week & tried to barge in in front of my truck. Wrong move pal ! then he comes around the back of truck in to lane 2. I then see he has a bowl of cerial balanced on his lap & is munching. All whilst driving in narrow lanes through road works on one of the busiest stretches of motorway in UK !!

Believe it or not car drivers will try to 'push' my truck over a lane so they can get on to a motorway ! We are talking a 16.5 meter potentially 44 ton vehicle vs 1.5 ton car !!

I'll not bore you all with any more, I could be here all night !

Yep me too Andy and I could go on all day as well

To sum up the worst drivers though - "Ireland" Especially the south :rofl

The worst driving in the world goes on there - Undertaking is a national sport and I cannot recall the amount of times I have come across someone doing 40mph in the middle lane :eek:

Unfortunately I'm off there now so wish me luck :rofl
Middle lane hoggers; poor lane discipline (actually the ones who deliberately use the wrong lane because it is quicker); mobile phone use; "Sunday drivers"

I drive a school bus and not a journey goes by without some tw*t getting it wrong. Having said that most drivers are fine.
Iain I sympathise with you when you talk about buses. I used to drive coaches for a living
And the amount of drivers that pull along side you at a round about and think they are going to cut you up on the roundabout beggars belief expecially when the lane is clearly marked for turning left only :rofl :rofl I have had a few wing mirrors off in my time with inconsiderate
People parking in bus bays not realising buses have an overhang :rofl :rofl Blocked the road at Peterborough station once but that's another story :rofl
On my 20 country trip last year it made me realise the very high standard of driving we have here on the UK.

Apart from Germany and France the rest are a nightmare. Worst by far are Italians who drive in a ' reactive ' way and seem to all have a phone glued to their ear......
BerndRos said:
On my 20 country trip last year it made me realise the very high standard of driving we have here on the UK.

Apart from Germany and France the rest are a nightmare. Worst by far are Italians who drive in a ' reactive ' way and seem to all have a phone glued to their ear......

Agree 100%. Mates have a place in Bobbio, Italy and the 2.5 hours drive from MIlan is HELL. I love driving but this trip never fails to wind me up massively. APPALLING driving of the worst order. I reckon it's because the men all stay at home until they are married/mid 30s. Means they have to prove themselves on the roads! Each time we arrive unhurt, I'm always amazed!

Non courtesy is annoying but as a nation we need to look at our OWN mistakes rather than blame everyone else for everything. It gets you nowhere.

Done all the IAM driver training (and test) and cop training and one big thing it teaches you is to drive defensively, expecting the unexpected but looking at yourself when something goes wrong.

Raging at others all the time simply flares you up and primes you to explode at every perceived "injustice" you see.

Chhhilllll maaaan....!
And apart from the UK the only other country I have come across where it's the norm to stop at Zebra crossings is Portugal.
Chill is good...

I used to get quite wound up but now just allow plenty of time for a journey and take it as it comes. I do about 6k per year commuting on a motorcycle and where I used to get really frustrated with the 50 limits that seem to be springing up (and I stick to the numbered limits) I just slowed down - I am after all very rarely in a hurry to get to work!

I tend to find poor driving from others more amusing than anything else these days. It just isn't worth getting upset about.
What does wind me up though is when they close whole roads to fix a tiny pothole, causing chaos for hours and hours whilst there is rarely anyone working...
folks not leaving enough space in front of their vehicle as seeming to expect that they can react at 80mph in the 2 gap and slow down as the car in front does.

And the same, if you are in a Corsa and so close behind I can't see you!
To sum up the worst drivers though - "Ireland" Especially the south

Not driven in Africa then ?

In Kenya to get a truck license you just drive a transit van around Nairobi police compound then they give it to you. Next day your out driving a clapped out truck that is WELL overloaded !

At least over there they hoot at you as the overtake you, to make sure you are awake & wont wander into them !

Rush hour in Nairobi is a total free for all major traffic jam.

In Italy they ignore red traffic lights, treating them as a dark shade of green.
No I've never done Africa :lol:

I have done a lot of Italy though and I find it just to be like driving through central London even in Turin :shocked Its everyman for himself :crazy
I have done a lot of Italy though and I find it just to be like driving through central London even in Turin Its everyman for himself

Never driven central london, & don't really want to either.
Andy said:
I have done a lot of Italy though and I find it just to be like driving through central London even in Turin Its everyman for himself

Never driven central london, & don't really want to either.

Central London is a nightmare - I've done it in the Beach - a KA and a Volvo C30 (not at the same time).

It is really as bad as people say.

There are many things that people do in driving that annoy me - but to cover it all I would say a lack of awareness of those around them - so expecting others to be aware and compensate for their poor driving

Driving the Beach - in effect a large (ish) van - has been remarkable - an assumption it is slow and therefore okay to overtake on slips roads - cut across lanes on roundabouts - all based around the idea the van will not move quickly.

That said - here there seems to be van code - other vans always let me out and give way - so I have joined this code and do the same back.
People that take their time whilst at the fuel pump, they then go in to pay and do their weekly shop whilst at it, when they do finally get back in car they take 5 minutes to drive away.
Worse things happen at sea. Chill out and go on holiday!!

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Strange comment, are you one of those people then? :mad:

I was only comment on this thread!
People that don't move over, when there is no one in the next lane, when you are trying to join a dual carriage way from a slip road.
People who stop on a slip road, when trying to join a dual carriage way, causing every one on the slip road to stop behind them.