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Stay safe and sound ( Ukraine War )

Oligarch yacht disappearance news
Seems that many of them knew what was about to happen. The port at Kallingrad must be pretty busy.
None of this is enough. Seizure of one of their yachts when the others are floating round the Maldives must be a hard life for them. We need to take much stronger measures. Putin only knows strength and we have caved in to him. If we don’t act now then who will he invade next.
I feel sick and guilty that we haven’t helped the people from Ukraine. The population in Russia have no idea what’s happening and if they speak out its an automatic 15 years in prison.
What’s the answer? I don’t know but we MUST stand up to him in the strongest way possible.
Interesting article:

Urgent Intelligence - Ukraine must hold on for 10 Days Intel from a Ukrainian officer about a meeting in Putin’s lair in Urals. Oligarchs convened there so no one would flee. Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days.

Russians didn’t have a tactical plan. The war costs about $20 bln/day. There are rockets for 3-4 days at most, they use them sparingly. They lack weapons, the Tula and 2 Rotenberg plants can’t physically fulfil the orders for weapons. Rifles and ammo are the most they can do.

The next Russian weapons can be produced in 3-4 months – if even that. They have no raw materials. What was previously supplied mainly from Slovenia, Finland and Germany is now cut off.

If Ukraine manages to hold the Russians off for 10 days, then the Russians will have to enter negotiations. Because they have no money, weapons, or resources. Nevertheless, they are indifferent about the sanctions.

Alpha Spec Ops have been near Kyiv since the 18th February. The goal was to take Kyiv and instal a puppet regime. They are preparing provocations against innocent civilians – women and children – to sow panic. This is their trump card.

Russia’s whole plan relies on panic – that the civilians and armed forces surrender and Zelensky flees. They expect Kharkiv to surrender first so the other cities would follow suit to avoid bloodshed. The Russians are in shock of the fierce resistance they have encountered.

The Ukrainians must avoid panic! The missile strikes are for intimidation, the Russians fire them at random to “accidentally” hit residential buildings to make the attack look larger than it really is. Ukraine must stay strong and we must provide assistance!

Spread this information so the world would realise how important it is to assist Ukraine right now and without hesitation! It is difficult for Russia, but it is difficult for Ukraine as well if the West does not provide meaningul support!


Riho Terras, Member of European Parliament EPP Group, Former Chief of Defence of Estonia

Interesting article:

Urgent Intelligence - Ukraine must hold on for 10 Days Intel from a Ukrainian officer about a meeting in Putin’s lair in Urals. Oligarchs convened there so no one would flee. Putin is furious, he thought that the whole war would be easy and everything would be done in 1-4 days.

Russians didn’t have a tactical plan. The war costs about $20 bln/day. There are rockets for 3-4 days at most, they use them sparingly. They lack weapons, the Tula and 2 Rotenberg plants can’t physically fulfil the orders for weapons. Rifles and ammo are the most they can do.

The next Russian weapons can be produced in 3-4 months – if even that. They have no raw materials. What was previously supplied mainly from Slovenia, Finland and Germany is now cut off.

If Ukraine manages to hold the Russians off for 10 days, then the Russians will have to enter negotiations. Because they have no money, weapons, or resources. Nevertheless, they are indifferent about the sanctions.

Alpha Spec Ops have been near Kyiv since the 18th February. The goal was to take Kyiv and instal a puppet regime. They are preparing provocations against innocent civilians – women and children – to sow panic. This is their trump card.

Russia’s whole plan relies on panic – that the civilians and armed forces surrender and Zelensky flees. They expect Kharkiv to surrender first so the other cities would follow suit to avoid bloodshed. The Russians are in shock of the fierce resistance they have encountered.

The Ukrainians must avoid panic! The missile strikes are for intimidation, the Russians fire them at random to “accidentally” hit residential buildings to make the attack look larger than it really is. Ukraine must stay strong and we must provide assistance!

Spread this information so the world would realise how important it is to assist Ukraine right now and without hesitation! It is difficult for Russia, but it is difficult for Ukraine as well if the West does not provide meaningul support!


Riho Terras, Member of European Parliament EPP Group, Former Chief of Defence of Estonia

We must do more to help the Ukrainian people. They are the ones suffering while we complain about the price of gas and electricity. They are the innocent ones in this and we stand and watch them being murdered. History will judge us not for what we do but for what we didn’t do. Putins legacy will be like Hitler, Stalin and Polpot. We cannot let this continue...
None of this is enough. Seizure of one of their yachts when the others are floating round the Maldives must be a hard life for them. We need to take much stronger measures. Putin only knows strength and we have caved in to him. If we don’t act now then who will he invade next.
I feel sick and guilty that we haven’t helped the people from Ukraine. The population in Russia have no idea what’s happening and if they speak out its an automatic 15 years in prison.
What’s the answer? I don’t know but we MUST stand up to him in the strongest way possible.
While I absolutely agree, I’m not sure what else you expected? you’re not part of the EU so have no actual seat at the table. Your Government who’s been bought lock stock by Russia is prob where you want to direct your energy.

Also the UK printed press is pretty much the gutter of the earth so it’s lamentable to say too much about dictators when the same a-joined Kleptocracy reigns in the UK.

The Ukrainians will prevail, I have no doubt.
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While I absolutely agree, I’m not sure what else you expected? you’re not part of the EU so have no actual seat at the table. Your Government who’s been bought lock stock by Russia is prob where you want to direct your energy.

Also the UK printed press is pretty much the gutter of the earth so it’s lamentable to say too much about dictators when the same a-joined Kleptocracy reigns in the UK.

The Ukrainians will prevail, I have no doubt.
I agree that the British Government is pretty toothless and though plenty of sabre rattling never gets anywhere. We should be allowing Ukrainian refugees into the UK with Minimum bother. Of coarse I understand we can’t just let anyone in because of terrorist threats and we know how good the Russians are at poisoning people that disagree with the Putin plus the murder of a British citizen..We now need to step up to the plate and get our fingers out of our backsides. These people are suffering and its heartbreaking. Boris get off your fat arse and be a leader..
I agree that the British Government is pretty toothless and though plenty of sabre rattling never gets anywhere. We should be allowing Ukrainian refugees into the UK with Minimum bother. Of coarse I understand we can’t just let anyone in because of terrorist threats and we know how good the Russians are at poisoning people that disagree with the Putin plus the murder of a British citizen..We now need to step up to the plate and get our fingers out of our backsides. These people are suffering and its heartbreaking. Boris get off your fat arse and be a leader..
We’ve had a lot of refugees make it to Sweden already and I’ll take a family in, already in contact with my Ukrainian friends.
I see the Armchair Warriors and Politicians are at it again.:rage:rage:rage
Now Putin is threatening anyone who goes to the aid of Ukraine. The cease fire he promised never happened and was broken before it started. Where is America? What is Biden doing? The most powerful country on Earth is standing back... Putin has threatened the whole world with Nuclear destruction unless he is allowed to carry on murdering innocent Ukrainians....Enough is enough. Someone has to call his bluff if not he will never be stopped.
Now Putin is threatening anyone who goes to the aid of Ukraine. The cease fire he promised never happened and was broken before it started. Where is America? What is Biden doing? The most powerful country on Earth is standing back... Putin has threatened the whole world with Nuclear destruction unless he is allowed to carry on murdering innocent Ukrainians....Enough is enough. Someone has to call his bluff if not he will never be stopped.
I suspect that forces within Russia are already plotting his downfall. That would be the best outcome in my opinion.
I suspect that forces within Russia are already plotting his downfall. That would be the best outcome in my opinion.
Let’s hope you are right...And soon for the sake of those innocent Ukrainians and the world...Caesar thought he was safe.
Now Putin is threatening anyone who goes to the aid of Ukraine. The cease fire he promised never happened and was broken before it started. Where is America? What is Biden doing? The most powerful country on Earth is standing back... Putin has threatened the whole world with Nuclear destruction unless he is allowed to carry on murdering innocent Ukrainians....Enough is enough. Someone has to call his bluff if not he will never be stopped.
I understand and share your frustration, we are sitting on the side lines in complete impotence, watching the young men of Ukraine kissing their wives and children goodbye as they become refugees and the men become cannon fodder it is absolutely heart breaking. The problem with calling a bluff is if it isn't a bluff in which case 100's of millions of people won't see April. We need to give them everything we can and hope they can stop the Russians on their own.
I understand and share your frustration, we are sitting on the side lines in complete impotence, watching the young men of Ukraine kissing their wives and children goodbye as they become refugees and the men become cannon fodder it is absolutely heart breaking. The problem with calling a bluff is if it isn't a bluff in which case 100's of millions of people won't see April. We need to give them everything we can and hope they can stop the Russians on their own.
It’s not just frustration it’s a feeling of total impotence. You have to realise that many millions of Ukrainians won’t see April either.
Looks like America is the most impotent of all. What happens when Putin finds he can’t win a quick war in the Ukraine (which he can’t), and decides to use tactical Nuclear weapons in Ukraine And every chance he will. Do we then just close our eyes? We need to make it absolutely clear that any use of Nuclear weapons anywhere and that would mean he has declared war on the rest of the world.
I never thought I would ever in my lifetime say these things and I want the best for my children and grandchildren but with this threat constantly hanging over us we can’t get on with our peaceful lives.
Covid was bad, very bad and many millions lost their lives but this is totally different. We were vaccinated for the virus, can we get vaccinated against a madman...
I get it Pete, I really do. When you say the rest of the world, the 2 most populated countries in the world India & China appear to be putting their feet up and breaking out the popcorn, if anything they appear to be egging Putin on. Nato isn't the rest of the world.
I get it Pete, I really do. When you say the rest of the world, the 2 most populated countries in the world India & China appear to be putting their feet up and breaking out the popcorn, if anything they appear to be egging Putin on. Nato isn't the rest of the world.
Don’t forget that without Europe America Australia New Zealand Canada etc etc there is no China and India. Who do they trade with to sell their crap? They need us more than they need Russia. This episode will speed up the need for renewable energy. NOT Nuclear but Wind,Solar, Tidal and others.
Let this be a wake up call to the west....a shame many innocents will have to pay with their lives.
A few years ago I read the excellent ‘Prisoners of Geography’ by Tim Marshall. I’ve just reread the chapter on Russia which focusses a lot on Ukraine, the Baltic countries and indeed Putin. Worth reading in light of the current situation.

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There is a lot being said about Putin being terminally Ill, I find this very scary if he is
It’s not just frustration it’s a feeling of total impotence. You have to realise that many millions of Ukrainians won’t see April either.
Looks like America is the most impotent of all. What happens when Putin finds he can’t win a quick war in the Ukraine (which he can’t), and decides to use tactical Nuclear weapons in Ukraine And every chance he will. Do we then just close our eyes? We need to make it absolutely clear that any use of Nuclear weapons anywhere and that would mean he has declared war on the rest of the world.
I never thought I would ever in my lifetime say these things and I want the best for my children and grandchildren but with this threat constantly hanging over us we can’t get on with our peaceful lives.
Covid was bad, very bad and many millions lost their lives but this is totally different. We were vaccinated for the virus, can we get vaccinated against a madman...
I wonder whether, for balance from the MSM you might find time to watch or listen to the UK Column?

Everything that Mattias Desmett speaks of is with us now: mass formation. All around I find echo chambers of simplistic virtue signallers. Covid was man made and exploited, those global emergency use/powers including injections have been the opposite of benign, and now Ukraine is a dangerous moment fomented by NATO and the USA with other Western Governments (poking the bear); specifically to give Russia little option, and, intentionally, as a result to damage the global economy even further so that new supranational measures and controls (CBDC etc.) can be introduced to remove our hard one sovereign freedoms (won by those who came before us) and slowly enslave ordinary man.

That's my view, anyway, I don't expect much agreement, but you cannot help but wonder why the USA Department of Defence had so many (at least 9*) bioloabs in Ukraine, and why the Bidens and the Clintons had such deep commercial ties there.

* 30+ we are now told.
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There is a lot being said about Putin being terminally Ill, I find this very scary if he is
Well they've been saying that about him since at least 2014 so if so he's a tough 'un.

Still, worth a re-watch of The Death of Stalin (on Netflix), Armando Iannucci's dark humour at its best. Jason Isaacs as Zhukov is wonderful.
Why do people have very little sympathy with the millions of innocent Ukrainians just to promote their pitiful agenda. Putin has planned this for many many years, we all should have seen it coming. If he’s not stopped NOW there’s little hope for us. All it took was one nutcase......Putin May preach one thing but he made sure his $125 million yacht was safe before he pressed the go button. It’s absolutely nothing to do with the Russian people or Russian Speaking people he doesn’t give a sing about them and he would be prepared to sacrifice every single one to save his skin and the billons he has stolen from them. I’m sure China or North Korea would love to have him live there.
Why do people have very little sympathy with the millions of innocent Ukrainians just to promote their pitiful agenda. Putin has planned this for many many years, we all should have seen it coming. If he’s not stopped NOW there’s little hope for us. All it took was one nutcase......Putin May preach one thing but he made sure his $125 million yacht was safe before he pressed the go button. It’s absolutely nothing to do with the Russian people or Russian Speaking people he doesn’t give a sing about them and he would be prepared to sacrifice every single one to save his skin and the billons he has stolen from them. I’m sure China or North Korea would love to have him live there.
Ultimately you need to decide what action you want to take, like I posted previously, look at the unapologetic politicians and political system that underpins much of the UK response, promising a lot and doing nothing has been the mantra of the Conservative government for a long time now, maybe start with a protest, at least you'll feel better.

It's worth remembering that the vast majority of the UK population are fair handed, welcoming and do care a huge amount, take some heart in that.
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