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New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo Campervan

Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Had a look at the videos of the Marco polo it looks amazing and makes the cali look old.but is is a bit unfair to compair the to as the currant Cali is getting long in the tooth and hopefully a new model is just round the corner in T6 form
the new mercedes has more BHP more torque and better fuel figures slightly longer and wider and a more upmarket interior, just hope that its built by Mercedes and not by renault as with the citan smaller van, it has already said that the front weel drive Vito will be renault powered but hopefully the Marco Polo will be rear wheel drive and Mer powered ... t-engines/
the T6 Cali will have to be good to complete with this
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Apparently the Marco Polo is going to be coming to the Uk it's slated for a Q3 2015 delivery although they would not confirm if it was going to be right hand drive. The Beach version called the Activity is based on the Vito van and will come with a 7 speed auto.

Looks very interesting. There's also a lot of new conversions coming to marked based on the new Ford Tourneo with a very high base spec but no auto box.

Interesting times for potential new buyers.
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Just watched the videos in the first post.

1 - Why did the director of the film go soooooo slow - the best bit was the fade from no focus on the outside power connector!!!

2 - It really does look a lot more modern than the Cali

3 - The opening window in the rear hatch is a really good idea - I have this on my BMW estate and love it.

4 - The only niggle I had was the big gaps in the blinds when closed - and the rear blind is way bigger than the window.

Would be tempted if you knew the residuals would be a good as the Cali.....

Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

I've convinced my wife to try a cali out, which we'll hopefully do over the next few weeks (just waiting for a wet weekend to see what its like when weather is bad!). I had assumed that if she liked it, we'd be ordering one pretty soon, but now I am not so sure! At the moment it seems as though it has no competition and residuals are high. This time next year, there may be a new T6 and merc to choose from so whilst i am keen to get a camper asap, I don't want to regret not waiting (either for fear that I will pine for the 'latest model' - and as well as pining I would be annoyed at myself for pining- or because it affects T5 residuals)

any thoughts?

have emailed merc to see what plans are for MP in UK, will let you know if i get a reply! Anyone got any idea of when/if we can expect the T6 in 2015?
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

I don't worry about the Cali residuals falling away.

At the moment they are excellent, and they might drop to be very good.

Pre-Facelift T5s and T4s (not to mention Splitty and Bays) still fetch very good money thanks to the VW factor.

So if you bought a Cali 5.1 now - and a T6 and a Marco Polo was available in 12 months I am sure your cali would not have lost much.

My concern was if I was lured into a MarcoPolo from the Cali and then the Marco Polo started to plummet in price.

Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

and another thing i hadn't considered, is that marco polos on the farm might just be me on my own.
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Be less hassle to organise though :)
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

ainrofilac said:
and another thing i hadn't considered, is that marco polos on the farm might just be me on my own.

It all has to start somewhere... even only back in 2009 when we got Cali's together as a group there were around 10 in any single meet (If we were lucky), by 2011 it was 30... now look at it.

Merc's will never have the cache of iconic VW campers (There's too much history with VDubs)... but they will undoubtedly be a quality product and their owners will be just as passionate about them.

That being said, there are plenty of Californias out there that are just good campervans for their owners who have no knowledge or interest in the "scene"... (Oddly enough probably the majority - there are 4 within walking distance of my house that have no interest in the scene at all - they just use the vans) this is where the Mercs will make massive in roads.

Will I be tempted when it comes to replace... yes indeed. (Although the Merc would look a little incongruous next to my other three VW campers :) ) We got the Cali way back, so that each trip wasn't quite such an adventure (Never a 100% the bay would actually get you there)... So usability is the key, not brand.

I'll be keeping my eye out to see how this market develops over the next couple of years.


Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

ainrofilac said:
At the moment it seems as though it has no competition and residuals are high. This time next year, there may be a new T6 and merc to choose from so whilst i am keen to get a camper asap, I don't want to regret not waiting (either for fear that I will pine for the 'latest model' - and as well as pining I would be annoyed at myself for pining- or because it affects T5 residuals)

There is loads of competition for the Cali now. All those conversions, from large and small converters, using T5's. Cali residuals are excellent because quite simply the Cali is the best there is.

The Marco Polo if anything will make VW try harder to remain number one. The MP though is unproven, and will remain unproven for a few years by which time the smart piano black fascia's would have been scratched, bashed and suffered the indignities of thousands of small sticky fingers rubbing on it and the lovely cream leather would have had dozen's of muddy campers sat on it.

Meanwhile other competition will come along for both. Tourneo conversions, other VW converters, Autosleeper will announce the 70 mpg "Smart Car Conversion",

There will still be one proven contender for those that when they disappear into the lower steppes of the Gobi desert or set off on the Alcan highway would like to know that they will be able to come back.

That's why we buy them.
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

As a long time Mercedes owner I can confirm they have issues like a motor manufacturers.
The engines are capable of very high mileage, but Vitos did rust badly in the recent past. I understand the bodies are now galvanised, but IMO rust on Mb's is the biggest risk.
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Ambler said:
As a long time Mercedes owner I can confirm they have issues like a motor manufacturers.
The engines are capable of very high mileage, but Vitos did rust badly in the recent past. I understand the bodies are now galvanised, but IMO rust on Mb's is the biggest risk.

Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

It was the old Vito that suffered from bad rust, the W639 is a totally different van ( I use one for work) But hey, nothing can be worse than the Cali roof !!!! :lol:

I called Merc this morning about the Marco Polo and their reply was

if there is enough interest they will bring it to the UK next year

How will they gauge the interest? This forum maybe :laugh2
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Fryers! said:
It was the old Vito that suffered from bad rust, the W639 is a totally different van ( I use one for work) But hey, nothing can be worse than the Cali roof !!!! :lol:

I called Merc this morning about the Marco Polo and their reply was

if there is enough interest they will bring it to the UK next year

How will they gauge the interest? This forum maybe :laugh2
Maybe we could have a poll on who would be interested in a Marco Polo combine to the UK

Maybe we could have A poll on who would buy a Marco Polo if it were available in UK subject to being similarly price to a Cali and send it to Mercedes UK
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

We're definitely holding off on ordering a Cali SE until news is confirmed for the Marco Polo. We're MB owners already and, whilst not perfect, their engineering and safety features are impressive. If the Marco Polo is coming in 2015, we'd be very interested in ordering one.
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

went to Düsseldorf Caravan Salon yesterday...... well done VW u must not be afraid of the new Marco Polo...sry to say that it is a bunch of $hit......
Chairs in the back take half of the trunk...... window blinds are redicoulus etc etc.
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Received from Merc UK:

"Mercedes-Benz Model: Marco Polo (Sprinter)

We write further to your recent email communication received by Mercedes-Benz Customer Service.

We were pleased to learn of your interest in the new Marco Polo. We have consulted with our Technical Department, who have confirmed that at this time, the Marco Polo will not be available via Mercedes-Benz UK but the model is expected to be launched in Germany towards the end of 2014/beginning of 2015, although no launch date has yet been confirmed.

We are sorry we are unable to provide more information at this time. We would suggest that if you are wishing to place an order that you make direct contact with a Mercedes-Benz Retailer in Germany. "
Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

Some conflicting advice from MB, here's the reply that I received:

I can confirm that we will be taking the Marco Polo Activity in the UK, although it wont be arriving until quarter three 2015...

If you have any queries, please do let me know.

Kind regards

Re: New Mercedes Benz Marco Polo videos

ibis64 said:
Some conflicting advice from MB, here's the reply that I received:

I can confirm that we will be taking the Marco Polo Activity in the UK, although it wont be arriving until quarter three 2015...

If you have any queries, please do let me know.

Kind regards


You are quite, I had a call back today to confirm the Marco Polo Activity will be the first to be released in the UK with the full Marco Polo to follow afterwards if there is enough interest ( which I am sure there will )

They also expect them to be sold with Mercedes Car dealerships aswell as their van centres.

Very interesting times ahead...

By the sounds of it Mercedes UK has been inundated with enquiries since the press release.
Not sure if this link has been posted before or not - apologies if it has!

(the approach to the bellows looks clever..)

Californiaman said:
Not sure if this link has been posted before or not - apologies if it has!

(the approach to the bellows looks clever..)


I really do like this, makes the Cali look very very dated !
indeed - it's the reason [along with the impending T6] that I shall not buy a current T5 California.
I like the rear seats, look so much more comfortable compared to the Cali rear bench seat.
The launch of this has also stopped us in our tracks as we had planned to order a California for delivery in 2015 but after seeing the Marco Polo we have changed our plans. I spoke to Mercedes last week and they are hoping the Marco Polo to start at £42,000 for the full fat version, also it will be stocked by their car dealer network. I think this is realy going to eat in to the Cali market as I cant see a T6 California being launched until 2016 ( even if there is one at all )