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Give & Take.

I do see it as a bit of give and take. I acquired my Cali after becoming single and had previously had motability cars for 15 years, where i only ever put in petrol and washer fluid. It’s a fun learning curve for me and i throw questions out, but have commented on others where i have anything useful to add. Saying thank you is simple for advice and feedback I’m sure is welcomed, but life can get in the way sometimes. Perhaps we could run a ‘beer bank’ (non alcoholic alternatives available) for good advice and reward those heroes at meet ups!
I can’t find that using the search function but did find that 4 motion is not really needed and that manual is better than DSG
7 years ago I would have agreed. I was a diehard manual fanboi, but after 2 knee ops, increasing occurrence of Stop-Go traffic and optimisation of the DSG technology, I wouldn't go back especially on a Campervan/Motorhome.
Ooooh! how did I miss this thread

Ocean is better than a beach
DSG is better than manual
4 motion is better than 2WD

Case closed. ;)

People not getting back with feedback is always been an annoying part of any forums ... but guess that is reality. Not everyone has the ability to explain what they have done so eloquently as some others ... and not everyone has the ability to explain.

Agree, FB is dire. Don't get me started on that.
I just checked on my ipad: I guess it is me however when I am logged off I can not see a the "search" button whereas logged in: all good. Is it just me?!

View attachment 95739
I have just used a different browser so I was not logged in you are correct no search option. I assume that is a part of being a member of the forum. However sometimes if you search on goggle for VW California related information a link to this forum comes up as an option to view.
( We like the 4 motion and DSG box ! But I suppose it is personal , it suits the style of the California, relaxing and capable . )
We recently posted about our California being off the road to fix an oil leak from the crankshaft: we asked if anyone had had the same issue. Nil response. Is this a true reflection of the situation?
We think Welsh Gas has a point about the numbers actually posting.
( We like the 4 motion and DSG box ! But I suppose it is personal , it suits the style of the California, relaxing and capable . )
We recently posted about our California being off the road to fix an oil leak from the crankshaft: we asked if anyone had had the same issue. Nil response. Is this a true reflection of the situation?
We think Welsh Gas has a point about the numbers actually posting.
I replied to your thread post

edit: the original thread not the subsequent one, I even asked you for an update on the original thread, maybe that’s why no one responded to the second thread as it had already been covered by you in the OP thread ?

Edit: so you don’t feel neglected, I have posted the original thread into your new one with a very very similar title & to help others
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( We like the 4 motion and DSG box ! But I suppose it is personal , it suits the style of the California, relaxing and capable . )
We recently posted about our California being off the road to fix an oil leak from the crankshaft: we asked if anyone had had the same issue. Nil response. Is this a true reflection of the situation?
We think Welsh Gas has a point about the numbers actually posting.
As an experiment I did a search on "oil leak from the crankshaft"
Only got 2 hits :

One was to this thread. The other was under a heading about a dealer in 2020. I did not get your posting. This seems to be the problem with getting just the right key words.

However searching just "oil crankshaft" I got more than 9 hits

I wonder if you did not get many replies as it was just a day no one with the problem was looking at the site. Sometimes when the site has lots of posting the recent posts move way down the list and get missed by those who do not look at the site often.
As an experiment I did a search on "oil leak from the crankshaft"
Only got 2 hits :

One was to this thread. The other was under a heading about a dealer in 2020. I did not get your posting. This seems to be the problem with getting just the right key words.

However searching just "oil crankshaft" I got more than 9 hits

I wonder if you did not get many replies as it was just a day no one with the problem was looking at the site. Sometimes when the site has lots of posting the recent posts move way down the list and get missed by those who do not look at the site often.
Due to the potential serious nature of the Crank seal issue and to highlight to as many as possible,
I have cross linked several threads on the “ Crank “ case seal issue, so a search hit will link to several other threads,

unfortunately the search function is limited by the words used in the “search” which can severely limit the search result, similarly it can lead to far too many results and an unrefined search result when using too few, In this instance Google Etc is your friend as the search results criteria is far wider
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Due to the potential serious nature of the Crank seal issue and to highlight to as many as possible,
I have cross linked several threads on the “”Crank” case seal issue, so a search hit will link to several other threads,

unfortunately the search function is limited by the words used in the “search” which can severely limit the search result, similarly it can lead to far too many results and an unrefined search result when using too few, In this instance Google Etc is your friend as the search results criteria is far wider
It is really hard running a website, knowing what people are likely to search is difficult. Well done on cross linking important issues and the way this site is run is appreciated.

As my spelling can cause a problem as is not always right that . Goggle is good at guessing what I mean but they have serious resources and an awful lot of commuting power. I have just had to use goggle to help me spell "appreciated".
Due to the potential serious nature of the Crank seal issue and to highlight to as many as possible,
I have cross linked several threads on the “”Crank” case seal issue, so a search hit will link to several other threads,

unfortunately the search function is limited by the words used in the “search” which can severely limit the search result, similarly it can lead to far too many results and an unrefined search result when using too few, In this instance Google Etc is your friend as the search results criteria is far wider

There are several search facility options available with this software,

However the people running the forum, @Martin and @calikev, are mortal and like all of us only have so much time to devote to tuning the forum to every single member's individual Whim..

Ever since I came here it has been a bone of contention amongst many members about new folks asking "the same questions without using the search function", especially in the days when this forum was moderated.

I had no problem with it as a moderator, new folks, new strokes, but I have complete sympathy with @WelshGas , who probably inputs as much technical help on this forum as anyone, to respond with time and effort to a query to not even have it acknowledged with a "thanks, win or fail" response.
It is really hard running a website, knowing what people are likely to search is difficult. Well done on cross linking important issues and the way this site is run is appreciated.

As my spelling can cause a problem as is not always right that . Goggle is good at guessing what I mean but they have serious resources and an awful lot of commuting power. I have just had to use goggle to help me spell "appreciated".
now if I search for who all have mentioned Google, this thread will not come up in that search :Nailbiting ;) :thumb

Yup, you are right, with all the complexities, running a website is not easy ... and to add to that, when a human being does not understand other human being, getting a machine to understand what they say ... neigh impossible. Google and Alexa do a decent job ...
There are several search facility options available with this software,

However the people running the forum, @Martin and @calikev, are mortal and like all of us only have so much time to devote to tuning the forum to every single member's individual Whim..

Ever since I came here it has been a bone of contention amongst many members about new folks asking "the same questions without using the search function", especially in the days when this forum was moderated.

I had no problem with it as a moderator, new folks, new strokes, but I have complete sympathy with @WelshGas , who probably inputs as much technical help on this forum as anyone, to respond with time and effort to a query to not even have it acknowledged with a "thanks, win or fail" response.
I hope my previous post did not come across as negative?

Mine was not a criticism of the forum, i fully accept the limitations of the search facility, that’s the reality of it.
I merely point out ways to widen the search criteria And offer alternative ways for others to access the info they seek.
Cross-referencing threads is a great way to lead others to pertinent info.

as you know I fully support this forum

using Google search etc will only benefit this forum further, due to the way Google works.
I haven’t made much in the way of contribution to the Forum. Mainly for the simple reason I don’t feel I have much of real value to add. I don’t believe in participating for it’s own sake. And I do appreciate the insights of those with broader experience / technical knowledge, and as appropriate express gratitude for guidance specifically given. And when it isn’t specifically an answer to a question I have sought help on, while I don’t usually express appreciation in those instances, the insights given are appreciated. Keep up the good work!
all I was trying to do was alert everyone to a potential expensive engine issue with a fairly new (T6) California and the fact that because of the extended warranty the work was covered.
I hope my previous post did not come across as negative?

Mine was not a criticism of the forum, i fully accept the limitations of the search facility, that’s the reality of it.
I merely point out ways to widen the search criteria And offer alternative ways for others to access the info they seek.
Cross-referencing threads is a great way to lead others to pertinent info.

as you know I fully support this forum

using Google search etc will only benefit this forum further, due to the way Google works.

No negative or critical element detected here. Just a contribution that as always adds to the conversation which I was then adding to with my own perspective :)

The search function has never worked well for me, why in the past I tended to defend others coming under attack for "asking questions that's been asked before", but I also recognise that in recent years there has been a tendency to use this forum in the way I see Facebook being so often used, a hit and run "anyone recommend ..... tia" rather than take part in a conversation. With that approach no amount of sophisticated search engines will be any good.
The search function has never worked well for me, why in the past I tended to defend others coming under attack for "asking questions that's been asked before",
Advanced Search function is good as allows you to display result in date order. Most recent hits are usually most useful; Standard search is a bit random,.

I joint the forum around the time we got our first VW camper. It is a source of information which I almost visit daily. So obvious I like it.

I like the variety of items that can be discussed, technical queries, improvements, experience, chit-chat and so forth. Because of this I believe that everybody can participate, even if one just got the camper last weekend.

Most of the time the response on posts are very good, only the odd time some strange, unnecessary comments are made, which I personally try to ignore. But I also see that written communication can be challenging (especially for a none english native speaker like me). If I say something to someone and smile, it can have a total different impact and meaning than just write it down. I believe some communication challenges comes from this.

The search function is good, but as mentioned before not everything can be found. In Caliboard forum I saw a picture of a tool to open the fresh or grew water tank. Do you think I find it again? No, I searched 2 hours yesterday. So I have to ask ...

In general "our forum" is rather good, and like in real life some people are "bubbely" and "chatty" and some people are "quite". And I think this is ok. And like in the real world we should maybe encourage people who are quite to get out of the "shell" (so to speak). Now how to do that I don't know.

i still looking forward to read and follow some posts on the forum almost on a daily bases.

Happy communicating Grand California,
On the issue of recurring topics without searching, I personally never mind this. The discussions can often be good reminders. Without this, the issues and questions would gradually narrow and the forum would wither would it not?

Sure it’s perhaps worth a quick search but after that it’s surely okay to ask a Q or make a point again? As well, new knowledge, experience and perspectives may be around since a Q was first asked.

Maybe a minority view; I do know many people do I get irritated by Qs that have come up before.
I think this is the way of forums (fora?). You always get FAQs, in which case the simplest thing is to point the member to an appropriate thread. However some things can move quite quickly. As the owner of a T6.1 I often find the search facility brings up answers for earlier models. Some topics like solar are really fast moving; what was available a year ago is already obsolete, so it often pays to get up to date information.

It's a bit like being in a pub; I'd rather there was some conversation, even if we're rehashing the same political ding-dong, than no conversation at all. At the end of the day no one is obliged to read every thread.
Considering how many members the Forum has I note that it tends to be the predominantly the same relatively small group of Names offering advice, information etc on the many threads regarding technical/mechanical problems or information on planned trips etc.
The lack of feedback is also very annoying, especially on the technical/mechanical problems.

Is it a sign of the times? Who knows.

Back to watching another Doc Martin episode.
The ones who comment and reply are the people with the in-depth knowledge or experience. I personally find this very useful especially thue weekly email but rarely respond
TBH the numbers are fairly common for a forum. In a previous job I used to head up social media and one of the things we did for our brand (Nissan) was identify forums like this, make contact with the admins and frequent contributors and use them as a great source of early customer info. We categorised the members as admins, frequent contributors, infrequent contributors and lurkers. By number it was a standard Pareto graph with 80% (or more) being lurkers and no more than 20% being in the other three groups with admins and frequent contributors often only 5% of the users. Nothing to do with this group or their lack of feedback, it's just how the internet and public forums work. It's also why very large amount of the noise and hate on Twitter is a very low number of people, or bots. Everyone has their part here and everyone should be able to come and go as they please.
A very informative response
Considering how many members the Forum has I note that it tends to be the predominantly the same relatively small group of Names offering advice, information etc on the many threads regarding technical/mechanical problems or information on planned trips etc.
The lack of feedback is also very annoying, especially on the technical/mechanical problems.

Is it a sign of the times? Who knows.

Back to watching another Doc Martin episode.
As @dspuk says its often the way- my own experience is of PTA’s and and a women’ activity group and it was always the same people who were active heloers or contributirs with others occasionally joining in. It also tends to go in cycles so people often just stop after a few years when they feel they've done or simply had enough! A bit different on a more linear type forum such as this I think.
Personally Ive found it a really great resource so thanks very much all round!
I understand your frustration with the same questions popping up b
On the other hand, I think that up to pre-covid, this was a site of California enthusiasts /fanatics, a club with open doors with people eager to share knowledge, tips, advice. I always though of it as a Pub, where you meet the same people and all discussions are gravitating around the Cali, with the occasional unavoidable keyboard-argument . The recent race to buy a campervan/motorhome saw many people becoming owner of a "non-standard", very peculiar van like the Cali, they just jumped into the buying frenzy to go on holiday camping without having really a "passion" for such vehicle.
I assume many of them have no interest participating in the forum, unless their vehicle has an issue and need help and advice. Once the issue is resolved.. "See Ya!"...
That's why I am reluctant to answer over and over the same questions that regularly pop up and simple quick search would have already given the result.
I understand your frustration with the same questions popping up but I find that when I search for something I get so many results and when I start reading them I sometimes find a lot of them are not really relevant to my particular problem, so I end up asking the question. This may indicate that I'm not very good at searching or possibly, as someone else said, that there too many ancient threads still active. About the forum in general - I think it's amazing how much activity there is - many forums have died since Facebook took over the world!