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Considering how many members the Forum has I note that it tends to be the predominantly the same relatively small group of Names offering advice, information etc on the many threads regarding technical/mechanical problems or information on planned trips etc.
The lack of feedback is also very annoying, especially on the technical/mechanical problems.

Is it a sign of the times? Who knows.

Back to watching another Doc Martin episode.
Who's Doc Martin?

and yes,

the lack of feedback sometimes is irritating.
TBH the numbers are fairly common for a forum. In a previous job I used to head up social media and one of the things we did for our brand (Nissan) was identify forums like this, make contact with the admins and frequent contributors and use them as a great source of early customer info. We categorised the members as admins, frequent contributors, infrequent contributors and lurkers. By number it was a standard Pareto graph with 80% (or more) being lurkers and no more than 20% being in the other three groups with admins and frequent contributors often only 5% of the users. Nothing to do with this group or their lack of feedback, it's just how the internet and public forums work. It's also why very large amount of the noise and hate on Twitter is a very low number of people, or bots. Everyone has their part here and everyone should be able to come and go as they please.
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Considering how many members the Forum has I note that it tends to be the predominantly the same relatively small group of Names offering advice, information etc on the many threads regarding technical/mechanical problems or information on planned trips etc.
The lack of feedback is also very annoying, especially on the technical/mechanical problems.

Is it a sign of the times? Who knows.

Back to watching another Doc Martin episode.
As an aside… thank you so much for all the advice and information you have given (among a few others) that has enriched my experience of being a member of the forum. I have really appreciated your technical know-how and information about trips. There are half a dozen of you gurus on here who deserve to be thanked (they’ll know who they are!). But you are absolutely right - feedback on technical issues should be reported back by forum members far more than it is…for the greater good.
Considering how many members the Forum has I note that it tends to be the predominantly the same relatively small group of Names offering advice, information etc on the many threads regarding technical/mechanical problems or information on planned trips etc.
The lack of feedback is also very annoying, especially on the technical/mechanical problems.

Is it a sign of the times? Who knows.

Back to watching another Doc Martin episode.

@WelshGas, to an extent I can understand your frustration as a regular TA contributor. However, it’s important that it doesn’t become a clique on here isn’t it? New members need to feel that their contributions and questions are welcome and that there isn’t a particular response or approach expected.
I have to say I’ve been delighted at the welcome I’ve received as a new member. Many of the responses have been so helpful and have helped me to make wise purchases for our eagerly awaited Cali (we collect tomorrow!).
I’m not in a position to offer advice yet as I need to gather experience first, but don’t worry, I will in time.
Whilst we’re on the subject of what we’d like to see on here, I’d love to see old (ancient) threads put to bed. I’d also like to see a trip reports thread (I know there are a few tips, but I mean more of a full trip report). I say this as at the moment I am probably going to continue to post trip reports on TA, which is where I see more of the type of report that comprehensively comments on places visited, food, sightseeings etc as well as transport and accommodation. What do others think?
On the other hand, I think that up to pre-covid, this was a site of California enthusiasts /fanatics, a club with open doors with people eager to share knowledge, tips, advice. I always though of it as a Pub, where you meet the same people and all discussions are gravitating around the Cali, with the occasional unavoidable keyboard-argument . The recent race to buy a campervan/motorhome saw many people becoming owner of a "non-standard", very peculiar van like the Cali, they just jumped into the buying frenzy to go on holiday camping without having really a "passion" for such vehicle.
I assume many of them have no interest participating in the forum, unless their vehicle has an issue and need help and advice. Once the issue is resolved.. "See Ya!"...
That's why I am reluctant to answer over and over the same questions that regularly pop up and simple quick search would have already given the result.
On the other hand, I think that up to pre-covid, this was a site of California enthusiasts /fanatics, a club with open doors with people eager to share knowledge, tips, advice. I always though of it as a Pub, where you meet the same people and all discussions are gravitating around the Cali, with the occasional unavoidable keyboard-argument . The recent race to buy a campervan/motorhome saw many people becoming owner of a "non-standard", very peculiar van like the Cali, they just jumped into the buying frenzy to go on holiday camping without having really a "passion" for such vehicle.
I assume many of them have no interest participating in the forum, unless their vehicle has an issue and need help and advice. Once the issue is resolved.. "See Ya!"...
That's why I am reluctant to answer over and over the same questions that regularly pop up and simple quick search would have already given the result.
I find myself half agreeing and half disagreeing with you - just like a good pub conversation ;-).

The pub analogy is good - you have many groups of people, some regulars having a beer and chatting, some just enjoying the ambience and some who are stopping by on a visit. Unlike the pub in Deliverance or American Werewolf, it's a pub where all comers are welcome. If everyone one was talking and shouting at the same time it wouldn't be a very fun pub and I'd imaging the Pareto of the type of people there would be the same.

Personally I don't agree with the "it's not real Cali people buying Cali's" sentiment, although it may not be meant that way. If feels quite disrespectful to those of us who have just joined this community and either actively or passively participated in the last year.

Fully agree with the "search for the answer before asking a question". Shame the search default is not by date rather than relevance though. TBF to this forum though it's not as bad as the two Facebook groups where if I see one more person ask what the "funny clips" on the awning are for I'll scream!
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Maybe some are unsure that their comment is correct or perfect enough . Not everyone feels that they have the right know how. Even writing this I am not sure I am saying the right thing. Some people like me may be dyslexic or unsure they can write clearly so hold back on commentating.

It is easy to tick a "like" but harder to comment. Having read a lot of the information on here I have come to think I have my idea of who talks what I think is sense and look out for their comments. So to the regular contributors please keep it up I am sure you are applicated.
If I can fix something after some advice I always try to give feedback so someone else understands what to do. But same applies to the many calls for recommendations: seldom the topicstarter gets back sharing what he is planning to do or what the trip has been. Regrettable...
If people would update the thread with either an outcome or close it off as being solved etc by the advice offered or what the resolution was (if it differed from the advice given) it will help others.

I regularly posts: “ please update the thread to help others “
after all that’s why a lot of people come to the forum, for advice & guidance.

updating your thread / comments etc will help others. :cheers

my strap line says it all, Newbies and non mechanical/ technical people need not fear looking silly!

Great forum and very friendly

conversely many people do acknowledge the advice given and are grateful for the help Offered, so if you take the time to post and you received good advise / information etc, do the right thing by others and take the time to post either affirmative or negative or with an alternative solution.
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with the occasional unavoidable keyboard-argument .
Yes, I know some people recoil from these, but they would happen in the pub (metaphor) and for some of us I'm sure, this forum is our main 'social media'. We all tend to gravitate to those with similar views, and I'm coming to realise that this has its dangers. I'm aware (and do think twice) that I am sometimes tempted into 'non-Cali' exchanges with those of a different political persuasion. But the day we stop talking is the day we entrench and lose our agency to open our minds and perhaps even allow our own views to evolve.
I've seen a couple of personal insults on here, which I don't appreciate and stay out of, but they're rare and shouldn't be confused with robust debate about a subject.
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It's better for those who really know to respond, than those who don't know, but think that...
But the least of the courtesies is to say thank you and give feedback.
It is especially annoying to see the number of questions asked on subjects already answered many times, without having done the slightest research. And also the questions that have an easy answer to find in the user manual.
[mention]WelshGas [/mention] I see you point! And IMO we are blessed to have some solid/great VW California specialists/gurus! Please do not stop giving your advices and I promise I will use the "search" funtcion
[mention]WelshGas [/mention] I see you point! And IMO we are blessed to have some solid/great VW California specialists/gurus! Please do not stop giving your advices and I promise I will use the "search" funtcion
I think when someone is new to the site they are still learning how to use it. Like you I have found the search" function but to those you maybe so savvy at integrating diverse web sites the search symbol and it use is not so obvious.

Administrators would it be possible to add a suggestion to the home page on how to use the function and how useful it is for finding things already on the site. I have one or twice replied to people telling them what key words to put in so they can find a post I have found useful for their request in the hope that they discover this feature for future use.
1) you think it's bad here... Try the Facebook group!
2) there is a glorious opportunity for someone to summarise the commonly asked questions into an e-book that new owners are encouraged to buy
3) when I raised a similar frustration several years ago, it was pointed out to me that this type of basic questioning is the life-blood of the forum, and if we all knew everything, the forum would die.... So it's a balance.
1) you think it's bad here... Try the Facebook group!
2) there is a glorious opportunity for someone to summarise the commonly asked questions into an e-book that new owners are encouraged to buy
3) when I raised a similar frustration several years ago, it was pointed out to me that this type of basic questioning is the life-blood of the forum, and if we all knew everything, the forum would die.... So it's a balance.
Have to agree, the FB site is grim! The format of FB really doesn’t lend itself to a problem sharing (and solutions database). I tend to resist answering queries on FB as any information just gets lost.
It would be nice if the forum could be set up with some sort of FAQ means of directing the repetitive queries to the definitive answer or answers.
Not sure I agree that repetitive basic questions are necessarily life blood!
I think when someone is new to the site they are still learning how to use it. Like you I have found the search" function but to those you maybe so savvy at integrating diverse web sites the search symbol and it use is not so obvious.

Administrators would it be possible to add a suggestion to the home page on how to use the function and how useful it is for finding things already on the site. I have one or twice replied to people telling them what key words to put in so they can find a post I have found useful for their request in the hope that they discover this feature for future use.
I just checked on my ipad: I guess it is me however when I am logged off I can not see a the "search" button whereas logged in: all good. Is it just me?!

Have to agree, the FB site is grim! The format of FB really doesn’t lend itself to a problem sharing (and solutions database). I tend to resist answering queries on FB as any information just gets lost.
It would be nice if the forum could be set up with some sort of FAQ means of directing the repetitive queries to the definitive answer or answers.
Not sure I agree that repetitive basic questions are necessarily life blood!
It even feels like this thread is becoming a clone of earlier ones. Time to start another Beach vs Coast vs Ocean vs GC vs defectors post. (The last included to be inclusive ) -edited as my tongue in cheek smily dropped off.
Just type vwcaliforniaforum and your question into Google and you will find lots of answers. I often do that and revive threads
I’m sure the number of forum members will have increased dramatically over the past 2 years, as the number of people seeking independent travel and accommodation exploded during and after (?) COVID. I see the fact that the forum has a lot of members as a real plus - in that there are lots of people, like me, who are new Cali owners, and find the current topics and archive threads to be really helpful.

Going back to the original observation by @WelshGas - I also see the odd unanswered thread and wonder why it’s not been picked up and answered. The subject is often one I personally don’t have any solid experience in, and I wouldn’t want to lead anyone down the garden path with opinion based reasoning. If I do know the answer, or have direct experience in using products, or visiting places, then I’m happy to participate.

I realise that the solid tech advice does often come from long standing forum members, as this group also has the most experience of Cali ownership. As us newbies get more experience I’d assume input from the new intake will increase. In the meantime, thanks for all the advice given to date. Much appreciated :thumb

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