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Taking the Borris above points in turn:

So the downstairs bed is bigger - that's nice, I sleep upstairs, no benefit.
Washing up - don't recall anything that stated because you have an Ocean you have to do it inside
No need to lug grey water around - you don't have to in an Ocean, but you have the option.
Fridge/ Freezer - if you are clever enough to use the control panel & know the difference between the numbers 2 and 4 you can use the inbuilt fridge as a freezer by choice. No need to half fill your boot with an aftermarket Fridge.
Cooking in the van - where do you store all that assembly when driving? understand now why beach owners keep banging on about space - they need it to store all the stuff that comes built in in an Ocean
The extra complexities of an ocean - one pump, two rams, two sensors. Big deal. buy a coast if it bothers you that much.
Cheaper to run - you are clutching at straws now

Unless you are running a removals company or a taxi service for kids, I don't understand the overwhelming desire for more space at the cost of loosing built in brilliantly packaged facilities.
That's great.

However, if it's come back to the same old debate, it's worth stating that the only thing you are gaining are built-in facilities which do themselves compromise the overall flexibility of your vehicle. You would be able to do all of the above in a Beach without loss of valuable space or that all important flexibility.

The bed is much bigger. The storage is adaptable so can be bespoke to your precise needs. The sloshing up can be done inside or out in a full sized collapsible bowl instead of a tiny sink. There's no need to lug grey water around. The fridge can be what ever you choose but if it's a compressor fridge it will also freeze by design not accident, be portable and run off both 12v and 240v supplies. As for cooking in the van, well there's nothing stopping you from doing that in a Beach either. You may have to go to the boot first but that is a small price to pay for the added flexibility.

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Obviously, it comes down to personal choice however if that choice involves owning an Ocean, Coast or SE, the extra complexities of those models can sometimes come back and bite you in the @r$€. The Beach doesn't have anything built in so any issues are much more easily and cheaply resolved and don't involve the vehicle itself. This also means that the vehicle will be lighter, more problem free and therefore cheaper to run long term.

So being self contained in all weathers really isn't the sole preserve of the SE/Ocean or Coast owner. You can be just as comfortable in a Beach, only with more space and you won't spend all your time worrying about software glitches or roof problems either.
Sorry for opening what must be a tiresome old debate for the long termers on here, but I know there are people who come here looking for views of people who've thought things through and concluded. Its hard to know until you've tried, and to be fair I have never tried a Beach. I have looked around a secondhand T6 one, and @aBusAndBeyond change to a Beach made me ask the questions of our Ocean choice again.
The difference is, ABAB have a growing family and a large Bentley (dog, not Continental) and we have a shrinking one. Yes, I do see the Ocean bed as compromised for two, though we have slept comfortably on it, we normally sleep upstairs. I think if we'd had a bigger family, a Beach would have been essential, but for 3 of us an Ocean is better because we have everything to hand. I heard the view above that there's more storage in a Beach, but I don't see it as it doesn't have the nearside wardrobe or the kitchen cupboards. I do like having everything away and accessible, not rooting round in the boot for a kitchen or a beer.
Something is niggling me though or I wouldn't be writing this! I don't think its the electronics - I do see issues on here, but you'd expect to hear about them. I'm sure there are many more totally satisfied. Looking forward to reporting back on that, hopefully not whilst munching on my hat...(should be delivered mid-October).
Let's be honest. Cooking outside is for nice sunny days. Anything other than that it's in the van or down the pub. To say that ocean owners don't go down the pub is very wrong in my Case! I've had a beach and an ocean. Ocean is best. Although the beach was still great. What do you reckon Welsh gas.? I'm only reading this because I've got a sodding power cut all day so I'm stuffed.
Taking the Borris above points in turn:

So the downstairs bed is bigger - that's nice, I sleep upstairs, no benefit.
Washing up - don't recall anything that stated because you have an Ocean you have to do it inside
No need to lug grey water around - you don't have to in an Ocean, but you have the option.
Fridge/ Freezer - if you are clever enough to use the control panel & know the difference between the numbers 2 and 4 you can use the inbuilt fridge as a freezer by choice. No need to half fill your boot with an aftermarket Fridge.
Cooking in the van - where do you store all that assembly when driving? understand now why beach owners keep banging on about space - they need it to store all the stuff that comes built in in an Ocean
The extra complexities of an ocean - one pump, two rams, two sensors. Big deal. buy a coast if it bothers you that much.
Cheaper to run - you are clutching at straws now

Unless you are running a removals company or a taxi service for kids, I don't understand the overwhelming desire for more space at the cost of loosing built in brilliantly packaged facilities.
I'm happy to answer your points.

So from your first three points are you saying that you don't use those facilities?

Re the Ocean fridge: Unless they have changed the design, it isn't a freezer although it will freeze things against the back wall if turned up to max. Not the same thing.

Re storage whilst driving:

Everything stows neatly in the boot......
And no space is required for storage inside the rear passenger compartment!

Re your comment about the roof mechanism, given your continuing roof issue, surely even you can see the obvious advantage of having a manual roof?

Being cheaper to run: Run a 150ps Ocean along side a 150ps Beach and during the warrantee period I'd agree that there probably wouldn't be a significant difference in running costs. However I did say "long term". Once out of warranty every single issue with the habitation area will cost. Some things will cost a lot. Roof issues are likely to be mega expensive as well. So hardly clutching at straws!

Finally, re your last point about space: This issue comes down to a matter of opinion. However one thing that all campervans have in common is a finite amount of available space. You can package it which ever way you want to but pure physics will prevent any design from exceedind the internal space available. You can take up some of that space with "built in brilliantly packaged facilities" or have more space available for the occupants. It's a personal choice but if it's the former then that's a choice that cannot be changed!

Kids sleep downstairs not me
Washing up - its not the only thing you can use a sink for, it has something called a tap as well which you can use for things like filling kettles, brushing teeth etc
Grey water - what do you do with yours then?
Passenger space - plenty of room in the back already for the 2 I carry.
Boot space - you don't appear to have any!
Why is this very same debate happening again? If it was showing the merits of each then fair enough, but that's not what this is. Unless you're genuinely enjoying the debate, the hills you are prepared to die on are not worth the effort.

I could go on about how buying a Coast was the best decision we ever made and why. And I can see why the Beach would be absolutely perfect for some people. Each vehicle does a different job and it's not a competition.

Or carry on I guess. I'll get some popcorn, I like it salty and there's plenty of that around here!
Sorry for opening what must be a tiresome old debate for the long termers on here, but I know there are people who come here looking for views of people who've thought things through and concluded. Its hard to know until you've tried, and to be fair I have never tried a Beach. I have looked around a secondhand T6 one, and @aBusAndBeyond change to a Beach made me ask the questions of our Ocean choice again.
The difference is, ABAB have a growing family and a large Bentley (dog, not Continental) and we have a shrinking one. Yes, I do see the Ocean bed as compromised for two, though we have slept comfortably on it, we normally sleep upstairs. I think if we'd had a bigger family, a Beach would have been essential, but for 3 of us an Ocean is better because we have everything to hand. I heard the view above that there's more storage in a Beach, but I don't see it as it doesn't have the nearside wardrobe or the kitchen cupboards. I do like having everything away and accessible, not rooting round in the boot for a kitchen or a beer.
Something is niggling me though or I wouldn't be writing this! I don't think its the electronics - I do see issues on here, but you'd expect to hear about them. I'm sure there are many more totally satisfied. Looking forward to reporting back on that, hopefully not whilst munching on my hat...(should be delivered mid-October).
Don't be sorry. This debate comes up from time to time. There are no right answers just opinions which everyone is entitled to.

Whichever cali one chooses they are all great vehicles and each have their own advantages and disadvantages. Each model is also a compromise, as there is no way of avoiding that in such a small van. So despite all the usual "flying brickbats", it's one's personal circs that dictate which is the best fit. If it were just the two of us we may go back to a Coast but don't tell anyone. Wouldn't want the electro/hydraulic roof!

I'm only getting involved in this thread because I am putting off having to write a long letter and it's also raining outside.

It should all be friendly banter really.
I was always looking to replace our old Caravelle T4 (that had a European Multivan 3 bench seat/bed) and seven seats with a Beach.

Until one day I thought, maybe it would be nice to have all that storage and a kitchen setup etc.

It is :)

I have used literally all the Ocean features in my 6 months of ownership and it's great.

I'm the biggest BBQ'er known to man (that's probably not true) but I BBQ a lot (I have 5 different BBQ's :). Every opportunity at home and away, rain or shine, but having the kitchen and table in the Ocean ready to go is also brilliant and the cupboard space and fridge means it's just easy.

We've had some amazing meals from those two hobs in places where it's not reasonable (i.e. travelling and just stopping for a break) to get the BBQ going... admittedly these are prepared by my better half.

Kids and their friends can't get enough of being upstairs so we're always 'relegated' to the downstairs bed but I'm quite 'narrow' and so is the girlfriend - and downstairs is actually lovely for us with the Sea to Summit mattress. I love waking up and reaching over and putting the pre filled kettle on. No faff.

We use the sink and water way more than I imagined. I'm regularly topping up every other day or so when camping - it's just so useful (I must admit grey water goes straight out onto the grass - but it seems to drain away quite quickly so we never notice it, but we do use natural Eco products).

I wouldn't ever buy or consider a Beach now, but I can see why it suits others.
I presume you cook outside at home as well?
I know it was meant as a joke. But I actually do cook outside at home most of the time (when it’s not raining or freezing cold). We have a couple of these IKEA portable induction plates which are absolutely brilliant:

We just put them outside on a table using an outdoor extension lead. Cooking outside is lovely (when the weather isn’t too bad) and so much nicer than in a kitchen. Defo give it a try.

Kids sleep downstairs not me
Washing up - its not the only thing you can use a sink for, it has something called a tap as well which you can use for things like filling kettles, brushing teeth etc
Grey water - what do you do with yours then?
Passenger space - plenty of room in the back already for the 2 I carry.
Boot space - you don't appear to have any!
Kids always upstairs in our Beach. There's less for the blighters to fiddle with up there.

A tap! Now there's posh. Washing up is usually tackled in one of three ways:
1. Done at the site facilities.
2. Done in a collapsible washing up bowl. Also stored in the boot.
3. Stuffed into a bag and done at home later.
In the event method 2 being used the washing up water usually gets hurled into a hedge. :eek:

Boot space: I did have space in my boot before I filled it but isn't that what it's for? What else should I be putting in there? Seriously clothes and wash bags etc are stored in twin VanEssa rear window bags. There isn't much else apart from Mrs Bs hundred or so supermarket bags of sowing and other assorted hazards. However there isn't a campervan made that could cope with all of her stuff.
Just to throw another "what suits one person......." consideration into the fray .....

The electro-hydraulic roof, which for me at least has been 100% reliable in over 8 years of Cali-owning, is a godsend as my stiff, painful fingers would find closing a manual roof a struggle.

Oh, and my next cali will be a coast ...
Hence the quandary for me. I originally wanted my euro multivan with a pop top. So, a beach. Never need to carry five, so beach camper with double bed (current van seats 7 but hasn’t carried more than 3 for years) . Don’t mind narrow beds, i’m not looking to recreate my bedroom.. have lived in 2 man tents for weeks on end. Always cook outside, use site washing up sinks. Decision made: Beach.

Until family see both vans in the flesh, they want Ocean!

The kitchen will come in handy i suppose for roadside brews on long journeys. It’ll be nice to have it all on hand for an overnight aire stop. Wardrobe doesn’t appear to swallow any more sleeping bags etc than the Beach’s boxes. So there’s very little in it for me, and at 12 month wait to get another if we regret it…?!
I'm happy to answer your points.

So from your first three points are you saying that you don't use those facilities?

Re the Ocean fridge: Unless they have changed the design, it isn't a freezer although it will freeze things against the back wall if turned up to max. Not the same thing.

Re storage whilst driving:

Everything stows neatly in the boot......
View attachment 84329
And no space is required for storage inside the rear passenger compartment!

Re your comment about the roof mechanism, given your continuing roof issue, surely even you can see the obvious advantage of having a manual roof?

Being cheaper to run: Run a 150ps Ocean along side a 150ps Beach and during the warrantee period I'd agree that there probably wouldn't be a significant difference in running costs. However I did say "long term". Once out of warranty every single issue with the habitation area will cost. Some things will cost a lot. Roof issues are likely to be mega expensive as well. So hardly clutching at straws!

Finally, re your last point about space: This issue comes down to a matter of opinion. However one thing that all campervans have in common is a finite amount of available space. You can package it which ever way you want to but pure physics will prevent any design from exceedind the internal space available. You can take up some of that space with "built in brilliantly packaged facilities" or have more space available for the occupants. It's a personal choice but if it's the former then that's a choice that cannot be changed!
Is this pic for beach 6.1? If so which drawer and fridge set up have you installed?
I know it was meant as a joke. But I actually do cook outside at home most of the time (when it’s not raining or freezing cold). We have a couple of these IKEA portable induction plates which are absolutely brilliant:

We just put them outside on a table using an outdoor extension lead. Cooking outside is lovely (when the weather isn’t too bad) and so much nicer than in a kitchen. Defo give it a try.
There is a big difference between wanting to cook outside and cooking outside to avoid soiling the kitchen or the smells caused . As far as I'm concerned that is a pathetic reason for not using the facilities in a fully kitted out campervan. Why buy one in the first place? Obviously not enough thought went into the initial purchase decision .
Is this pic for beach 6.1? If so which drawer and fridge set up have you installed?
It's a T6 Beach with the three seat bench seat setup. However, I don't think there are any differences in this respect between the T6 and T6-1 models.

The pull out tray is a Calicap tray, 700mm version from memory.The fridge/freezer is a Waeco Dometic CFX 35. They have superceded this model since. Both items are superb.
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It's a T6 Beach with the three seat bench seat setup. However, I don't think there are any differences in this respect between the T7 and T6-1 models.

The pull out tray is a Calicap tray, 700mm version from memory.The fridge/freezer is a Waeco Dometic CFX 35. They have superceded this model since. Both items are superb.
Looks like a neat set up! I have a beach 6.1 on order and hoping to have a similar set up to what you have there
Looks like a neat set up! I have a beach 6.1 on order and hoping to have a similar set up to what you have there
If you type the following into the search function:


And then read post #19 onwards, you will see how my my original set up was arrived at.

Also try typing in:


In post #57 and again in post #104 onwards, I've explained how our setup has since evolved.

What we have now is practical, versatile and suits us brilliantly.

The only thing that still needs to be resolved is the stove. We currently use two Campingas 3000btu single burner stoves that screw directly onto a 907 cylinder but they are very much a temporary measure. I have been waiting for the Dock Kitchen chap to produce his new twin burner stove that compliments and fits inside the Dock Kitchen but that seems to be taking an age to reach the production phase. I am currently thinking of getting a Primus Tupike twin burner stove which has alot of advantages. However I have been unable to source one anywhere.
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If you type the following into the search function:


And then read post #19 onwards, you will see how my my original set up was arrived at.

Also try typing in:


In post #57 and again in post #104 onwards, I've explained how our setup has since evolved.

What we have now is practical, versatile and suits us brilliantly.

The only thing that still needs to be resolved is the stove. We currently use two Campingas 3000btu single burner stoves that screw directly onto a 907 cylinder but they are very much a temporary measure. I have been waiting for the Dock Kitchen chap to produce his new twin burner stove that compliments and fits inside the Dock Kitchen but that seems to be taking an age to reach the production phase. I am currently thinking of getting a Primus Tupike twin burner stove which has alot of advantages. However I have been unable to source one anywhere.
Spectacularly or not, on the albeit small sample I've discussed this with, it is a common experience.

If you are new to camper vans, Oceans make sense. On paper they make sense. If you think about how you might use it, the dreams of the open road, the freedom, the flexibility, the idea is easily sold. I know this, because I was in this very position. I bought an Ocean and I loved it.

The point I'm making is that it is only once you've done two dozen trips that you get into a pattern, and realise what works and what doesn't and again in the community of people with whom we've camped, there is a common realisation that space is better than the kitchen. Of course this is an individual choice, but it doesn't change the fact that I am correct is saying there are people that go from Ocean to Beach, because on paper, when you think about camping in a van the beach doesn't ignite the imagination like an Ocean does. Practice though is all together different.

I wasn’t going to enter this one.

Experienced camper here. 20 plus years of vans. One of the first to buy a Beach. Lived with it for 6 years. Had some great times.
Got fed up of the lack of storage and facilities of the Beach. Just became a royal PITA…

Moved to an Ocean in 2018.
Best Campervan I’ve ever owned. It really is genius.
Sorry to say, I wished I had done it sooner. Should have dumped the van with a pop top roof and bought a proper Campervan years ago.
I would never buy another Beach :thumb
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Just to throw another "what suits one person......." consideration into the fray .....

The electro-hydraulic roof, which for me at least has been 100% reliable in over 8 years of Cali-owning, is a godsend as my stiff, painful fingers would find closing a manual roof a struggle.

Oh, and my next cali will be a coast ...
Stiff Little Fingers…

Or should this be in the Choons thread?
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