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New Cali owner: Insurance - Any advice?



T5 SE 140
Hi all,

We have just bought our first Cali (Eek!)
Although we don't collect until Mid-Sept though so have plenty of time to shop around for insurance.
Just wondered if anyone had any wisdom to share on this subject..?

I have been arranging insurance this week for an Ocean we are buying, and have just posted on my experience in my "Introduce yourself" thread.
My experience suggests it is easier to get quotes from specialist campervan insurers such as Comfort, Safeguard, Caravan Guard and Caravan and Motorhome Club. Mainstream car insurers may not have Calis listed in their systems or know what they are, or they may not want to insure because of the high purchase cost (they seem to be thinking in terms of cars...).
I would definitely say get quotes from as many brokers as possible and be prepared for big variations in the quoted prices. Before hand I thought that in a competitive market the quotes would not differ much, but I was surprised at the size of the differences in reality. I had one company quoting more than twice another but with less good cover (leisure use only).
I was also amazed how different the conditions and requirements were between companies.
I ended up choosing Comfort as they were the cheapest while also allowing commuting to work, which not all companies' quotes covered. The big thing with them, as noted in several threads on the forum, is you can't leave the vehicle unattended more than 48 hours except at the permanent place they are kept - but you can contact them to seek permission. This wasn't an issue for us but might be for you.
Another thing I was surprised at was that several insurers include UK breakdown cover as standard. If you are getting a new van you will get the three year VW breakdown cover so don't need this. I think it would be better to try to get a cheaper quote without the breakdown cover - that is what I did.. If you want to go to Europe it is a different matter, as some companies give both UK and European cover as part of the deal.
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I have been arranging insurance this week for an Ocean we are buying, and have just posted on my experience in my "Introduce yourself" thread.
My experience suggests it is easier to get quotes from specialist campervan insurers such as Comfort, Safeguard, Caravan Guard and Caravan and Motorhome Club. Mainstream car insurers may not have Calis listed in their systems or know what they are, or they may not want to insure because of the high purchase cost (they seem to be thinking in terms of cars...).
I would definitely say get quotes from as many brokers as possible and be prepared for big variations in the quoted prices. Before hand I thought that in a competitive market the quotes would not differ much, but I was surprised at the size of the differences in reality. I had one company quoting more than twice another but with less good cover (leisure use only).
I was also amazed how different the conditions and requirements were between companies.
I ended up choosing Comfort as they were the cheapest while also allowing commuting to work, which not all companies' quotes covered. The big thing with them, as noted in several threads on the forum, is you can't leave the vehicle unattended more than 48 hours except at the permanent place they are kept - but you can contact them to seek permission. This wasn't an issue for us but might be for you.
Another thing I was surprised at was that several insurers include UK breakdown cover as standard. If you are getting a new van you will get the three year VW breakdown cover so don't need this. I think it would be better to try to get a cheaper quote without the breakdown cover - that is what I did.. If you want to go to Europe it is a different matter, as some companies give both UK and European cover as part of the deal.

I have had a look around online today and I too was surprised at the huge variation between both price and product. The dealer we purchased from gave me leaflets for both Caravan Guard & Safe Guard & a friend recommended Comfort. I intend to phone them tomorrow as they were unable to provide an online quote as my husband will be the reg keeper and legal owner whist I will be main driver. Which does seem to cause some issues. We are buying a used Cali so will need breakdown cover and I also need S,D,P & Commuting as it will be my day drive too. I did a couple searches on comparison websites and they all came back with a company called Advance. They are one of the cheapest and seem to provide breakdown for both uk and EU in the price. (I am a little reluctant though as I have never heard of them.)
I have had a look around online today and I too was surprised at the huge variation between both price and product. The dealer we purchased from gave me leaflets for both Caravan Guard & Safe Guard & a friend recommended Comfort. I intend to phone them tomorrow as they were unable to provide an online quote as my husband will be the reg keeper and legal owner whist I will be main driver. Which does seem to cause some issues. We are buying a used Cali so will need breakdown cover and I also need S,D,P & Commuting as it will be my day drive too. I did a couple searches on comparison websites and they all came back with a company called Advance. They are one of the cheapest and seem to provide breakdown for both uk and EU in the price. (I am a little reluctant though as I have never heard of them.)

Why not switch ownership to yourself if it’s causing a problem?

I thought the VW breakdown cover included Europe?

If you have a heated windscreen, make sure you have adequate windscreen cover. I was horrified to find my insurance was limited to £500. VW are currently the only supplier of the heated screen.
Hi all,

We have just bought our first Cali (Eek!)
Although we don't collect until Mid-Sept though so have plenty of time to shop around for insurance.
Just wondered if anyone had any wisdom to share on this subject..?

I am with LV=, but I've had quotes from other mainstream insurers and it's useful to know exactly how the Cali is described by the insurers - see this post.

From the posts I've read, some people have had good experience with insurers, and some bad, as you would expect. I don't think that there is much to choose from between mainstream insurers or specialist brokers for variety of experience.

I get the impression that the specialists often have more restrictive policies, but they are probably more accustomed to dealing with claims on vehicles that have built-in kitchens. When I spoke to DirectLine about this, they told me that "if you turned the vehicle upside down on the day you bought it and shook all the loose stuff out, whatever else remains is insured". I think it's reasonable to expect that from any insurer, so I've just gone for the policy that gives me the cover I need at a good price.
As you appear to need the maximum cover (commuting included) it won't be cheap and you will need to to careful not have lots of restrictions imposed.

Unlimited mileage doesn't make that much of a cost difference.

I personally needed multi-trip European cover which some Insurers didn't include. I ended up with Safeguard.

You seem well organised so have a list of your requirements (must haves) and get quotes based on that. You will find up to a few hundred pound variation on quotes.
I thought the VW breakdown cover included Europe?

Ah, I missed that. On the VW website "Roadside assistance" page I read: "We’ll attend to your car at the roadside anywhere in the UK" and I thought that meant Europe wasn't covered. I didn't read a few lines down where it says : "European assistance – includes cover across the continent, English-speaking incident managers and transport back to the UK if necessary".
That's good news for me, and more reason not to pay for an insurance that has UK and European assistance built into the price, at least until the 3 year VW warranty period expires.
Ah, I missed that. On the VW website "Roadside assistance" page I read: "We’ll attend to your car at the roadside anywhere in the UK" and I thought that meant Europe wasn't covered. I didn't read a few lines down where it says : "European assistance – includes cover across the continent, English-speaking incident managers and transport back to the UK if necessary".
That's good news for me, and more reason not to pay for an insurance that has UK and European assistance built into the price, at least until the 3 year VW warranty period expires.
You can also extend the VW Assistance for 2 years for £150 after 3 years. Cheaper than most cover available.
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Me and my wife tried Direct Line (current insurers on wife's daily driver), Safeguard and the Caravan and Motorhome Club.

Direct Line originally came back at £380 although they didn't include any personal contents cover (sounded more akin to a standard car insurance policy than motorhome/campervan specific).

Safeguard which are a broker sounded like they provided very comprehensive cover through an AXA policy with personal contents cover £500 per item up to £5,000, unlimited European insurance cover throughout the year and included breakdown cover but were around £750.

Caravan and Motorhome Club who are also brokers provided a half way house cover through Highway which is part of LV= with personal contents cover £500 per item up to £5,000, unlimited European insurance cover throughout the year but no breakdown cover and were £486.

We then rung Direct Line back to go with them and they told us they couldn't honour the quote as it should have been £480 despite them checking over their recorded call where they verified the price we had been told was £380. As their cover wasn't as good as the C&MCs offering we ended up paying the extra to go with C&MC.

We didn't check if we could have got the policy directly through Highway as this may have saved some money by cutting out the C&MC as the middle man but we might also have lost some of the benefits of being insured through the C&MC. As a side note, I think you have to be a member of C&MC to be insured through them and we weren't at the time of getting the quote, they just put us down as membership number TBC so don't let this deter you from getting a quote.

For reference on the prices I'm 30 year old male, no convictions or previous accidents, 0 years NCB as I drive a company car through works insurance as a daily driver. Wife is 35, no convictions or previous accidents.

Hope this helps!
Me and my wife tried Direct Line (current insurers on wife's daily driver), Safeguard and the Caravan and Motorhome Club.

Direct Line originally came back at £380 although they didn't include any personal contents cover (sounded more akin to a standard car insurance policy than motorhome/campervan specific).

Safeguard which are a broker sounded like they provided very comprehensive cover through an AXA policy with personal contents cover £500 per item up to £5,000, unlimited European insurance cover throughout the year and included breakdown cover but were around £750.

Caravan and Motorhome Club who are also brokers provided a half way house cover through Highway which is part of LV= with personal contents cover £500 per item up to £5,000, unlimited European insurance cover throughout the year but no breakdown cover and were £486.

We then rung Direct Line back to go with them and they told us they couldn't honour the quote as it should have been £480 despite them checking over their recorded call where they verified the price we had been told was £380. As their cover wasn't as good as the C&MCs offering we ended up paying the extra to go with C&MC.

We didn't check if we could have got the policy directly through Highway as this may have saved some money by cutting out the C&MC as the middle man but we might also have lost some of the benefits of being insured through the C&MC. As a side note, I think you have to be a member of C&MC to be insured through them and we weren't at the time of getting the quote, they just put us down as membership number TBC so don't let this deter you from getting a quote.

For reference on the prices I'm 30 year old male, no convictions or previous accidents, 0 years NCB as I drive a company car through works insurance as a daily driver. Wife is 35, no convictions or previous accidents.

Hope this helps!
That's great! Thank you
I am with Comfort.

I have always found them very easy to deal with and very competitive.

When my VW cover run out on my previous insurance I also bought breakdown cover, RAC Horizon, £75 p.a. including repatriation from EC .
We are also with Comfort - £315.00. We have been with them since buying our Cali in 2015.
NFU £250 and garaged. However we do have three vehicles,house and buildings in total with NFU so there is some discount.
I have also obtained a quote from Just Kampers does anyone have any experience with them?
Hi all,

We have just bought our first Cali (Eek!)
Although we don't collect until Mid-Sept though so have plenty of time to shop around for insurance.
Just wondered if anyone had any wisdom to share on this subject..?

I’m insured through the Camping and Caravan club “Clubcare” always had the best quote from them, on our eighth year now
I’ve got breakdown cover with the German company ADAC, they cover you not the vehicle so it’s any vehicle and it includes all EU countries, ones the most U.K. based companies won’t cover. You can’t register online but have very good English speakers when you call. I pay €89 a year. It does work! - I had a call out in Belgium two years ago, came in 20 minutes, impressive service. If you breakdown in the U.K. it’s the AA that recover you
Hi all,

We have just bought our first Cali (Eek!)
Although we don't collect until Mid-Sept though so have plenty of time to shop around for insurance.
Just wondered if anyone had any wisdom to share on this subject..?

LV. £187 fully comp inc 120 days in Europe for 2018 ocean
Self and wife
my husband will be the reg keeper and legal owner whist I will be main driver. Which does seem to cause some issues. We are buying a used Cali so will need breakdown cover and I also need S,D,P & Commuting as it will be my day drive too.

We are in exactly the same position as you - my daily to work, and he owns it.

We went with Comfort. They also had good some additional cover for camping equipment if I remember rightly.

Let us know how you get on.
The Caravan and Motorhome Club insurance has beaten Go Compare two years running for us. More the covers the cost of membership. Good luck!

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Hi all,

We have just bought our first Cali (Eek!)
Although we don't collect until Mid-Sept though so have plenty of time to shop around for insurance.
Just wondered if anyone had any wisdom to share on this subject..?

Safeguard. Got unlimited foreign miles and days. Green card and fully comp in Morocco.
Safeguard. Got unlimited foreign miles and days. Green card and fully comp in Morocco.
Great! Dealer actually gave me a couple of leaflets for insurance one of which was Safeguard. Will give them a call.

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