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Tesla more valuable than Volkswagen

I can see hybrids being by far a much more intelligent solution. No need for huge batteries, no problems finding charging points, drive electric for 40 miles while in city centres, and for long distances on the motorway run with the even more refined petrol/diesel.
meanwhile TSLA just hit 880$, or added another 20Bn $ since ... yesterday.
So if we wait long enough we will see that EVs were a big mistake, just like diesels were, just like ICEs and the oil industry were, just like steam engines were, just like horses were.

You can’t sit and wait and do nothing forever, just because eventually, it’s likely to be a mistake. You have to try and do something, it’s called progress.
The first decision is should Climate or the Environment take precedent.
If Climate is chosen then there is a case for Diesel, especially Euro6 so get rid of all Petrol and older diesels.
If the environment then diesel and petrol banned and possibly EVs unless a comprehensive environmental impact has been done to show they are better environmentally.
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The first decision is should Climate or the Environment take precedent.
If Climate is chosen then there is a case for Diesel, especially Euro6 so get rid of all Petrol and older diesels.
If the environment then diesel and petrol banned and possibly EVs unless a comprehensive environmental impact has been done to show they are better environmentally.
Climate is an integral part of environment, so taking both into account to guide our choices today is not only possible and imperative to making progress, both are a moral responsibility to future generations.
Deep into Bitcoin territory now :)

Stages of a stock market bubble
View attachment 54946

It was ever thus. Which early C20th American industrialist was it who said: "the time to sell a stock is when the shoeshine boy is tipping it"... ?

Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the company or product, by the way.
Climate is an integral part of environment, so taking both into account to guide our choices today is not only possible and imperative to making progress, both are a moral responsibility to future generations.
They may both be morally responsible for future generations but have different impacts. Do you want to cut CO2 , responsible for climate change, or cut PM25s responsible for air pollution and early deaths. In some cases they can be mutually compatible in others cases not so. A choice sometimes has to be made.
Honestly, buying a Tesla is like announcing to the world your favourite past time is knitting and erections only happen with little pills :talktothehand
See we're at the name callign stage of a debate then? I'd bet you have never sat in one much less even driven one - the environment is not even a top 3 reason to choose for a lot of buyers now; performance and tech are above every other manufacturer at the price point.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
A lot of the share price increase just now is shorts trying to cover their positions for an anticipated (and rightful) dip after this madness
See we're at the name callign stage of a debate then? I'd bet you have never sat in one much less even driven one - the environment is not even a top 3 reason to choose for a lot of buyers now; performance and tech are above every other manufacturer at the price point.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

First they came for the knitters, and I did not speak out, because I was not a knitter.
Then they came for the w***...
Honestly, buying a Tesla is like announcing to the world your favourite past time is knitting and erections only happen with little pills :talktothehand

Haha, what does buying a BMW M3 announce to the world today? Apart from the fact you kill Koalas?

All about the mood music, Tesla is woke.
At work, seen a Maserati, an R8 and an AMG GT disappear all replaced by Teslas, in fact directors car park looks like a Tesla showroom.
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A lot of the share price increase just now is shorts trying to cover their positions for an anticipated (and rightful) dip after this madness
They are covering the shorts because they are forced by the margin calls of the lender of the shares they borrowed in order to short the shares in the first place. Similar to VW 10 years ago.
Haha, what does buying a BMW M3 announce to the world today? Apart from the fact you kill Koalas?

All about the mood music, Tesla is woke.
At work, seen a Maserati, an R8 and an AMG GT disappear all replaced by Teslas, in fact directors car park looks like a Tesla showroom.
I think that is probably more down to the Tax Break having an EC as a company vehicle than a love of Tesla.
What an interesting debate - my tuppence
At some point electric or some alternative to fossil fuel will be the future- fo now if the battery in my phone can’t last longer than 18 months then we have some way to go before EV with decent range and performance becomes the norm - but who knows given the exponential rate of progress?

All I know is that I will enjoy camping and travelling to as many places as I can or at least until 2035 :)
As an aside. Be careful if you do buy a Tesla second hand. There is an issue where Tesla remotely audit their cars to check you have paid for the available options, after a change of ownership. People have had the Automatic Self Driving pack disabled without notification. This is apparently an 8000 dollar option deleted after purchase.
It is known that accessories on cars aren't worth much when selling the car, but this is bringing it to a new level.
Plus, who would like to have a second hand software ?:D:headbang
As an aside. Be careful if you do buy a Tesla second hand. There is an issue where Tesla remotely audit their cars to check you have paid for the available options, after a change of ownership. People have had the Automatic Self Driving pack disabled without notification. This is apparently an 8000 dollar option deleted after purchase.
a person
The dealer then listed the Model S, advertising both features. However, unbeknownst to the dealer, Tesla had independently conducted a software “audit” of the car after selling it, and disabled those features in a December update. The end result: when Alec picked up the car on December 20th, he did not have access to all its advertised features.

After contacting Tesla customer support, Alec was given the bad news:

Tesla has recent identified instances of customers being incorrectly configured for Autopilot versions that they did not pay for. Since, there was an audit done to correct these instances. Your vehicle is one of the vehicles that was incorrectly configured for Autopilot. We looked back at your purchase history and unfortunately Full-Self Driving was not a feature that you had paid for. We apologize for the confusion. If you are still interested in having those additional features we can begin the process to purchase the upgrade.
Reminds of the film ‘Repo men’. Thankfully it’s just a car!
Reminds of the film ‘Repo men’. Thankfully it’s just a car!
Options like this will soon become subscription based. It’s not really a car, it’s a software operating system wrapped up to look like a car.
Options like this will soon become subscription based. It’s not really a car, it’s a software operating system wrapped up to look like a car.
I wonder how long it will be before Tesla will stop supporting software updates cars with older operating systems.

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