Off to test drive a 204 DSG

Purtroppo ... un ragazzo della mia città ha avuto una pausa nel motore (ruggine del pistone), fissato come garanzia, ma poi ha venduto la Cali .. un altro gentiluomo tedesco conosciuto per il campeggio in Croazia mi ha parlato del suo dissapointing con il motore 204hp .. .. consumo di olio, turbina rotta ecc ..... probabilmente il motore è troppo "tirato" .......

Google translate:

Unfortunately ... a guy in my town had a break in the engine (piston rust), fixed as a guarantee, but then sold the Cali .. another German gentleman known for camping in Croatia told me about his disappointing with the engine 204hp .. .. oil consumption, broken turbine etc ..... probably the engine is too "pulled" .......
It would be good to know if the higher output engine is too highly tuned for its own good, and whether there are premature failings in Calis. I can see the attraction of a 200+hp in a Golf / A3 type vehicle, but to me it doesnt suit the character of a California, and is not the tried and tested combination found in thousands of plumbers / electricians van in Europe. Thats why i specd the 150 manual.