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Pet passport and BREXIT

I take Batman to Germany most weeks and so far the German vets themselves see know problems with the passport system. However the French nation are very small minded, and already to my knowledge new taxes for brits selling their homes are being looked at. (I just sold my French house so missed yet more taxes). I can see them not banning the pastports but making it more expensive and less easy. The rest of the newspaper article was plain BS as the EU sales more to the UK then we export and the germans can't afford to kill their industry. What is needed in the UK is strong government, something we just dont have with the whole gang of current politicians of all parties.F
I take Batman to Germany most weeks and so far the German vets themselves see know problems with the passport system. However the French nation are very small minded, and already to my knowledge new taxes for brits selling their homes are being looked at. (I just sold my French house so missed yet more taxes). I can see them not banning the pastports but making it more expensive and less easy. The rest of the newspaper article was plain BS as the EU sales more to the UK then we export and the germans can't afford to kill their industry. What is needed in the UK is strong government, something we just dont have with the whole gang of current politicians of all parties.F

Oh dear...not the old "they need us more than we need them" BS again!
It's not just Brexit we need to worry about, DEFRA is also having a big shake up of the pet passport scheme from next year
We just pop our 'Peg' in the fridge at the Channel crossings, saves all that bureaucracy.


I guess you'd need a bigger fridge if you've got one of these though...

I work all over the EU. And only deal with facts. And yes they do need us more then we need them. But if you are one of the blind that believe otherwise, so be it. But I do think that the view of people who have lived and now work in main land Europe sort of out weighs a view of a person who just believes the BBC and the rags called newspapers. Of course if you have some new facts, I would love to read them.F
Here we go again

Sorry, but I'm working directly on preparations for Brexit so do have some knowledge....and it isn't pretty. I find it hard to let stubborn ignorance go unchallenged.
Is it worth me getting muttley petpassported then?

Not stirring, really interested if it's better to wait and see. We've been pretty poor at actually camping in our van, so no rush if there's going to be issues.
The DEFRA situation change is to do with coming back into the UK, they want to make it much stricter due to puppy farming in mainland Europe. More red tape I guess
Norway and Switzerland seem perfectly happy being non-EU and part of the pet passport scheme.

Trade with EU
UK exports to EU ÂŁ240 billion
EU exports to UK ÂŁ320 billion

UK population 65 million
EU (exc UK) pop. 443 million

UK exports ÂŁ3692 per person
EU exports ÂŁ722 per person

Please do not be deluded into believing that the EU needs the UK for trade more than the UK needs the EU. It is simply not true.

Follow my blog:
Norway and Switzerland seem perfectly happy being non-EU and part of the pet passport scheme.

Trade with EU
UK exports to EU ÂŁ240 billion
EU exports to UK ÂŁ320 billion

UK population 65 million
EU (exc UK) pop. 443 million

UK exports ÂŁ3692 per person
EU exports ÂŁ722 per person

Please do not be deluded into believing that the EU needs the UK for trade more than the UK needs the EU. It is simply not true.

Follow my blog:

I think they have had quite a few cases of rabies in Switzerland though, not sure about Norway
Pet passports only please No politics as we were getting along so well.:D
I can see them not banning the pastports but making it more expensive and less easy.
Pet passports are a pan-European thing - nothing to do with pets crossing the Channel. There are campsites in France that require you to show a pet passport even if you live in France.
When we got Luckys (cat) pet passport for Sweden I was surprised how much of a racket it was for UK airports and many airlines to try and stiff us for about 9-1400 quid, in the end we took and an Air France flight through Paris to Stockholmn instead of direct and it cost 55 euro. No petty French in that scenario, he flew in the cabin with us and we're forever grateful to AF.
When Merkel opened the doors what - two years ago for 1 million + illegal migrants (people without a required visa), it appears "Mutti" didn't realise how much she would upset her voters. The last election has proved that. If all that is needed is a health certificate, I think I can manage that. There is a place within the UK pet passport that asks for certification by a vet that the animal is qualified to travel. It does NOT need to be filled out between EU countries. If Mutti decides differently, well this option is already available. OK, problem solved; next curve ball from EU? We are a small island nation, we cannot accommodate everybody. The reason WHY EU migrants come over here is because of better employment here than in their own home countries, mostly in the eastern part of the EU. I was an employer, I experienced this first hand. It all boils down to money and the extra cash Mutti and her side kick Macron will have to fund. They can't look to the poor four: Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. Those four countries found ingenious ways to avoid paying taxes a long time ago. The shortfall of €12-15 billion in Brussels' coffers will in all probability fall on the German taxpayers. The € is way over priced, it affects tourism. The concept of the EU could never work until the price of coffee is the same in every member state. Over simplified, but poignant how the member states think. Remember when Hungary built that fence to keep migrants out and then armed it? Brussels did not issue any retribution did they? Hungary gave them , didn't they? As did many other eastern EU members. Mutti didn't launch threats against them, did she. Our holier than thou BBC never reports on the real difficulties the other 27 members countries are having do they and believe me, they are having lots of issues, more than we are.
When Merkel opened the doors what - two years ago for 1 million + illegal migrants (people without a required visa), it appears "Mutti" didn't realise how much she would upset her voters. The last election has proved that. If all that is needed is a health certificate, I think I can manage that. There is a place within the UK pet passport that asks for certification by a vet that the animal is qualified to travel. It does NOT need to be filled out between EU countries. If Mutti decides differently, well this option is already available. OK, problem solved; next curve ball from EU? We are a small island nation, we cannot accommodate everybody. The reason WHY EU migrants come over here is because of better employment here than in their own home countries, mostly in the eastern part of the EU. I was an employer, I experienced this first hand. It all boils down to money and the extra cash Mutti and her side kick Macron will have to fund. They can't look to the poor four: Spain, Portugal, Italy and Greece. Those four countries found ingenious ways to avoid paying taxes a long time ago. The shortfall of €12-15 billion in Brussels' coffers will in all probability fall on the German taxpayers. The € is way over priced, it affects tourism. The concept of the EU could never work until the price of coffee is the same in every member state. Over simplified, but poignant how the member states think. Remember when Hungary built that fence to keep migrants out and then armed it? Brussels did not issue any retribution did they? Hungary gave them , didn't they? As did many other eastern EU members. Mutti didn't launch threats against them, did she. Our holier than thou BBC never reports on the real difficulties the other 27 members countries are having do they and believe me, they are having lots of issues, more than we are.
Thanks for the European Politics lesson but do we really need this on a Sunday morning on a California thread about pet passports?
Hi all, having received our Cali earlier this year we intend to take our two spaniels away next. year through Northern Europe. We haven't looked into the finer details on the defra site on contacted our vet yet, but my question is. How straight forward is it to obtain pet passports and are there any rules relating to the dogs in individual countries we should be aware about. If so where can we obtain the rules of dog etiquette for each EU country. Many thanks in advance
It's insanely simple, it took us all of 30 mins to fix then a quick visit for rabies vaccine, it just has to be done 2 weeks before you travel.

As for the Brexit monologue, what utter garbage.
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As our Jack Russell, Tony.... Is "born & bred" in Northern Ireland - Under the "Good Friday Agreement" surely he's entitled to a Republic of Ireland Passport also.... ;)

Might have to re-name him "Anto" as it sounds a bit more papish :happy

With both Irish & UK passports in-hand/paw surely we'll have the same "freedom to travel" as we currently enjoy.... That being, the right to queue and have our passport vigorously checked when entering/exiting the schengen zone.
here's my dog. he's thinking 'brexit' now can I eat that? mmmm.......was there ever life in the UK before the EU? yep. That's what he's thinking

he voted out anyway

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