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Volksworld show

John Daniels

John Daniels

VIP Member
T5 SE 180
hi, I know it clashes with the official club meet in Gloucestershire but I was wondering if there is any kind of Cali club display at the Volksworld show this year?

Many thanks
There was if you can call it that some representation!

I went along on Saturday hoping to meet a few like minded individuals and make some good local contacts with Cali's for when you need to have a chat/solve a problem! Whilst it was a great show I have to say the club stand was a bit of a disappointment! It seemed to consist of 3 vans and 1 flag. I loitered with the intent of catching someone for a chat, but absolutely nothing, no welcome, no information, no flyers This was in serious contrast to lots of other clubs and converters and frankly even owners of T1-5 conversions being very open and chatty. Seems a shame?
You went to the wrong place I guess
Well perhaps I should have been in Gloucestershire, but nonetheless given its one of the biggest shows, expected something different...
We have been going to Volksworld since 2007 before we had the Cali, the last time we went was 2015 and it was pants then, we have now said we would never go again, way too commercal and lost its roots. There were more Cali's there last year but none of them really wanted to chat to my wife and me, felt as if they only wanted to be in their own little group. Sad we missed the Gloucester meet (family wedding) we are trying make it along in June though
As far as I'm aware this club didn't know anything about it
Shame then that whomever it was used the club vertical flag and chose to represent us....hopefully I'll get along to one of the meets to connect with a few more enthusiastic owners..
The people at the Volsworld show have NOTHING to do with this club, if they were showing our logo or flags, we would be interested in getting more information from anyone who attended?
No, that is nothing to do with us, that is another website that is run by a certain hire company... nothing to do with us at all.
We are friendly just ask the 60 Cali owners that came to Tewkesbury I don't think anyone left without making new friends.
I was at the volksworld show and that's my Cali in the picture. The Cali display was organised by campervantastic. I had a few friends with aircooled Porsches and vw's that I was helping to support on the Saturday but did spend a long time at my Cali on the Sunday.

I always see the volksworld show as a chance to catch up with old friends and potentially make some new ones.

Apologies if we didn't get to meet up.
I've bought a couple of items from Campervantastic that are not available in the club shop or suppliers. The staff I have dealt with have been extremely helpful and friendly and also followed up on requests.
Am curious why there seems to be some reluctance to acknowledge them here.
My Cali was the middle one in the picture, I had many friendly chats, all casual, and helped with a few tips. We were there with Campervantastic as was said, perhaps next year more can be made of this club, but no mention of Volksword was made prior to the weekend. The flag mentioned was for another site which I am one of the original members of.
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The auto sensoring is funny! There must be a story behind that...
My Cali was the middle one in the picture, I had many friendly chats, all casual, and helped with a few tips. We were there with *************** as was said, perhaps next year more can be made of this club, but no mention of Volksword was made prior to the weekend. The flag mentioned was for another site which I am one of the original members of.

The website you refer to I also belonged too many moons ago but it has since been taken over by a commercial hire company as the original two owners who set it up sold their van around three years ago. Since being taken over the their facebook heavily advertises the commercial operation and they like to delete any post they don't like, I had three posts deleted for no reason so unfollowed the group as it does not allow free speech.
Yes Nick was unable to give it the time required as he was very busy with his main occupation and Steve took it over to keep it the important resource it is. It is more encyclopaedic, by that if you have a question you can find or get an answer. I guess it is more an FAQ. Well worth checking out
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Yes Nick was unable to give it the time required as he was very busy with his main occupation and Steve took it over to keep it the important resource it is. It is more encyclopaedic, by that if you have a question you can find or get an answer. I guess it is more an FAQ. Well worth checking out

Just had a look at this site as I was not aware of another Cali Club site however on looking most of the facebook posts mention the unmentionable camper hire company, even on their forum most of the posts say go to xxxxxxxxxxxxx for all your needs! impartial advice - NOT
It is true that the site is administered by Campervantastic but the forum is open to all and therefore any bias is down to the replies, the more it is used the wider the range of user opinion. The aim is to get a problem solved, therefore if you would like to answer that would be welcomed by all of us Cali owners.
Are we talking about "Voldermort" or is there a super-injunction against naming?

I'm done a web search on *************** and it turned up no results!
Are we talking about "" which if i am correct started in 2007 before this forum?

Are we talking about "" which if i am correct started in 2007 before this forum?


Yes, that site is now owned by ************* which I am assuming is the reason it is so heavily cencored. It may have started before this website but this is by far a much better forum and resource.
A few of us here belonged to the previous forum and respected the people that ran it, you won't find us running them down in any way.

We are here now and enjoy this forum.