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Toilet.....what do you do?



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T6.1 Coast 150
Hi everyone, I have just joined the forum and I am sure this is an odd first post but here goes......

We live in Scotland and would like to wild camp. The problem I see with the California is the lack of loo. I have in mind a porta potti or similar, but the idea of having a poo inside the van is not an appealing thought :oops: . What about any of the toilet tents or porch awnings? Does anyone have any recommendations? It strikes me that if it takes too long to fit/put one up then it will defeat the object.

Having wild camped for the last two years I am fed up of sleeping in a tent and hiding behind a bush to go to the toilet

Any grand idea's anyone?

I get the impression that the subject matter is a little 'taboo' and most people would prefer not to think about/ discuss it in any detail. I do not want to use camp sites and the like so it is a real issue.

Now before anyone suggests a 'proper motorhome' I have to say that I am completely convinced as to why a California would be better to drive, easier to park, more fuel efficient, cheaper to run, drive to work, blah blah blah................if only the toilet issue wasn't such an issue :headwall

So, good people of this forum..............can you help (please don't slate me) ?

We use the lugable loo but try to steer clear of depositing solids in this unless absolutely necessary. However a friend of ours who has done his own VW conversion uses the ahem....excuse my language... sing Box an eco friendly option. See details below.
How funny I forgot that their is likely to be a filter on this forum which changed S**T to poo poo box which made me sound like a 6 year old, that has made me chuckle.
I had to laugh too :mrgreen:

Well done for being brave enough to bring it up. It is just a body function at the end of the day and we are all homosapien's who need to do it :oops:

These are popular because they fit under the sink.


If there are just two of you and you sleep in the roof bed and it can be positioned downstairs for nighttime relief. :yawn :thumb

We bought a Porta Potti 335.
It is a sliding fit under the back shelf.
It is odour free for both uses ;)

We also bought an OzTent CR1 (toilet tent, CR=changing room). ... ductid=176
The CR1 self-erects in 10 secs (almost explosively!) with an extra 30 secs for 4 guy ropes if needed.
£65? but I seem to remember postage was expensive?

I unpacked the CR1 in our kitchen when it arrived. It knocked off my specs, knocked over 2 stools and gave the missus the biggest laugh of the week.
There is a knack to folding/rolling it back into its bag which normally takes about 15 secs when learned but for a novice can be 5 minutes. Fortunately the learning curve is steep.

Hope this helps. There's a helpful video on the web somewhere if you google it.

Hi Chocks. We have just returned from our first overnighter in the Cali. I purchased a Khyam motordrome drive away awning to give us more space and it has an inner tent. It took about 10 mins. to put up ( for the first time ) and tripled our space. It was brill. We put the loo in the inner tent, all very discreet. All the poles are ready fitted, it is so easy. Good luck.

Chocks. Ref my last post, If you want to see a pic. of the drive away in position, send me a pm & I will mail one to you.

Chockswahay- you lucky lucky guys, i'm in love with Scotland after our two week trip at Easter.
Porta potti works well and is fairly small, we kept it under the back shelf while driving and in the van during wild camp nights, which was fine... But I like the look of that pop up Oz tent!
This is the way most of our boardies hide their P.Potti:
click the image

...and I do it this way:
click the image
...makes a good lounge chair too. :cool:

We take a porta potti, at night fits neatly between the end of the ground floor bed and the front seats . Use it for whatever is required and emptying is easy the next morning, like taking a brief case along to the disposal place.
We usually carry it behind the front seats , no room in the boot, in a dinky little cover made by my wife out of cloth.
We used to use it as a lunch time stop picnic table in the Westfalia, but now we are up to date we don't need to as we have the Cali sliding table!
Probably we won,t get an oztent, although it does sound tempting, because it has to be stored somewhere in the van while travelling.Trying to reduce what we take as much as possible, reduce complication.
I'm sure that I've said all this before....... If so apologies!
Travelling light is good.
Don't blame you.

If you do go down the OzTent CR1 path it goes in a disc shaped zipper bag.
1" thick and about24" diameter.
Like the look and the idea of the Oz tent... going slightly off-topic, it occurs to us this might be a good way to 'mark our territory' on a campsite if we're using the Cali to visit places in the area and intend to return. Would be interested to hear what others do?
We have up an Oztent R2 (sleeps 4 but we use it for junk) or an Oztent C1 (toilet and stuff) to mark the patch when we're driving around for the day. Also the EHU orange wire and sometimes the table and 2 chairs. Nothing's been nicked yet.

Not usually a problem when the patch has an assigned number and is delineated by a hard standing or something but more of a problem when the site is more loosely organised - and busy.
We have a Thetford 335 and a loo tent but have yet to use either. When wild camping, let's face it, you can't beat a bush and 'asian style' - simple, natural, no worries :) :oops:
Re: Packing Your Cali For A Trip Some Thoughts

Can we get this thread going again?

I posted the other night asking for tips on packing.

I found tht my Brandrup rear bag was causing problems with having three 48 litre boxes in the back when trying to set the bed up. I guess this would not be a problem on a trip where the front seat can go forward and you know that you are going to unload at the destination. Unfortunately my trip at the weekend didn't involve me having any outside storage to use so the boxes got in the way.

Also, it would seem using the porta potti tricky without outside space? For a start I realised I couldn't get the potti out once the bed was down and even If i had been more prepared, where does it go? Must be one hell of an undignified side on squeeze in front of bottom bed and behind front seats?

This could be a great thread for newbies like me.
Re: Packing Your Cali For A Trip Some Thoughts

Lee my porta potti fits at the end of the downstairs bed behind the passenger seat
I do have to kneel down to pee but not to bad I only use it in emergencies :rofl
Re: Packing Your Cali For A Trip Some Thoughts

Will try that clikev :thumb

After a few beers all loo trips will be emergencies :D
Re: Packing Your Cali For A Trip Some Thoughts

Our Porta potti fits fine between the passenger seat and the bottom of the bed. And it comes out easily inthe morning through the side door,no problem. Just keep the drivers seat pushed back towards the dash.
Re the delicate area of peeing techniques as described by Kev and others kneeling down sounds a night mare. And there is the splash factor to be avoided.
In my case as you get older ,squatting and peeing gets very difficult but..... There is a easy answer dahdahdah daaaah!
Stand and pee into an empty tin or jar and then gently pour it into the loo. Total comfort guaranteed. A jar is to be preferred as using a tin gives a tinlkling noise that can wake other sleepers (she tells me).
