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Is there really space for a 10m hookup cable in here?



VIP Member
T6.1 Ocean 199 4Motion
I've heard that it is possible to store a hookup cable beside the battery in the engine compartment. This is my T6.1. Is there enough space here? For sure not enough for a 25m cable, but possibly a 10m one. Has anyone done this in a T6.1? If so, what specific spec - i.e. cable diameter? The van came with a 25m cable, but this takes up a lot of space, and I'm unlikely to use it much, since we travel pretty much every day, but it may be useful to have a cable available for the rare occasions when it is needed.

Thanks for any advice.

Engine compartment.jpg
Personally I’d store in a rear in a box with all the camping bits

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If only to be used to charge batteries a lower current cable can be used as this is easier to store due to thinner cable.
Yes I store in there on my T6
I find the end connections go down in front of battery and cable loop lays across top of battery, although I think my battery has a soft cover so cable is not in direct contact with terminals etc
It also takes the 3 pin plug adapter cable as well. No problem
The reason I like it is in back of van the rear wardrobe is really not big enough considering other stored items and I don’t like to leave cable loose in the back as it quickly unwinds and makes a mess, it would also likely come in contact with bedding materials which if whet or dirty is a problem
I also can’t be bothered with bagging it or winding up on a plastic holder
So neat solution and ease, which is what VW camping is meant to be
10m is that all...
I have 20m in that space. Two 10m leads
I've heard that it is possible to store a hookup cable beside the battery in the engine compartment. This is my T6.1. Is there enough space here? For sure not enough for a 25m cable, but possibly a 10m one. Has anyone done this in a T6.1? If so, what specific spec - i.e. cable diameter? The van came with a 25m cable, but this takes up a lot of space, and I'm unlikely to use it much, since we travel pretty much every day, but it may be useful to have a cable available for the rare occasions when it is needed
I store only a bottle of oil there. Never needed to store anything else. But found this once in a thread. Many people store a lot of stuff there and never seem to have a problem.

The new T 6.1 looks a bit different from the older ones,
mine is like the above with a full divider and a lid on it.
Unless you can trace the full divider and cover for the battery, or make one yourself, it looks like the T6.1 is suffering the cut in cost like all the recent VAG vehicles. This makes it (as it looks) a less obvious place to store items.
You could make that divider and cover easily yourself, e.g. from a hard rubber mortar tray or so. Worthwhile! Me I store a 20m cable, jump leads, air compressor, and oil in it:

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We store our 25m cable in a flat case in the rear door slid down inside one of the deckchairs. The other holds the hose. Just be careful when opening the door as it’s heavier than you expect but still stays up fine.
That’s why there’s a drawer under the benchseat..? Easily fit two 25m cords in there plus a whole bunch of other stuff...
[QUOTE = "Rololux, příspěvek: 467325, člen: 21470"]
Slyšel jsem, že je možné uložit propojovací kabel vedle baterie v motorovém prostoru. Toto je můj T6.1. Je tu dost místa? Určitě nestačí na 25m kabel, ale možná na 10m. Udělal to někdo v T6.1? Pokud ano, jaké konkrétní parametry - tj. Průměr kabelu? Dodávka byla dodávána s kabelem o délce 25 metrů, ale to zabírá spoustu místa a je nepravděpodobné, že ji hodně využiji, protože cestujeme docela každý den, ale může být užitečné mít kabel k dispozici pro vzácné příležitosti, kdy je to potřeba.

Díky za každou radu.

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25 m ok

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