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I feel awful... But I’m back where I started!



Looking to buy
Hello again,

I stopped lurking on here after I put a deposit down on a T6 conversion that I fell in love with at local show.
Long story short, things have gone a bit wrong lately and I’m no longer in a position to pay for that van by the due date tomorrow. I’ve spent two days panicking (3 not sleeping) and I’m dreading telling the dealer as he’s such a nice guy, but I would be stupid at this point to bury my head in the sand, and go for finance on it when my circumstance has changed and I simply can’t afford it now.
I’ll lose my £1k deposit and I just hope the dealer doesn’t take me to court to force me to buy the van. I feel absolutely terrible, but what this whole mess has done, is bring me back to learning about and looking for an older, more affordable, used California that I’ll have to carry on saving up for.

Is it awful that a part of me feels like it’s the right place to be and it was meant to happen this way?
I always find in life fate plays a big part and if a Used Cali is the right answer then all of the events recently for you will be leading you towards it.

Don’t fret, just be honest with the guy and he should be reasonable. It’s just business, that’s all.
Have you taken advice on the legal side? It's an interesting area and your responsibilities change if the item has been 'customised' to your specification. ie if you bought the van you saw at a show, the situation is different to if you had a similar van built to your spec.
I believe the situation also varies depending on where exactly the 'deal' was done....some surprising situations give you protection under distance selling regs which increase your ability to pull out of the deal (perhaps retaining your deposit).
I'd just get his response.....just listen (maybe record)....don't argue initially.....and then say you'll seek legal advice if you believe his response is unfair.
Best of luck.
If your circumstances have changed beyond what could have been predicted then no reasonable person is going to hold you accountable.
Have a thought for the dealer he acted in good faith and started works on your project. You don't state the extent of the bespoke work he's carried out on your behalf. However unless it's not outrageous he will be able to sell the van as stock. It might of been best to have let him know sooner other than later. Good luck!
Thank you for the responses.

It’s interesting to read different viewpoints. My partner says to stop stressing as it can be sold on. Dealer keeps the deposit. It happens.

Just to be clear, there has been no bespoke work undertaken. He knew the situation from our initial introductions. I was upfront about the financials panning out from the start; we even joked about the deposit being an ‘expensive lunch’ if things didn’t go to plan. It does fall under distance selling as well I believe.

I suppose I’m just terribly upset about it all. I got rid of our car in preparation (it was in negative equity too) and I’ve walked everywhere for months. We even bought ‘van bits’ that are in a box now
Morally it just doesn’t sit right I suppose and when I posted last night I was probably looking for someone to reassure me that I’m not a terrible person. I need to ‘man up’ or ‘woman up’ or whatever, stop crying and just carry on saving!! It will only make me more determined...
It sounds like you have quite a bit going on. It might be helpful to talk to an objective 3rd-party and see if you can make things easier. There are quite a few charities that can help, including CAB and they are well used to helping people see the trees for the wood...

Please don't take this the wrong way, you do sound a bit stressed and I used to be a CAB adviser, so know how much it can help just to chat things through, particularly with someone not involved.
Thanks... bearing my soul on an open forum isn’t usually my style and probably makes me look like a right nutter! I just ended up back here and it felt strangely like it’s meant to be this way. We’ll just have to see how things pan out.
In the meantime, I’ll go back to trawling through the galleries with van envy
Thanks... bearing my soul on an open forum isn’t usually my style and probably makes me look like a right nutter! I just ended up back here and it felt strangely like it’s meant to be this way. We’ll just have to see how things pan out.
In the meantime, I’ll go back to trawling through the galleries with van envy
Hi there
I feel your pain and frustration through your words, considering the sacrifices you have made as part of your preparation for Cali ownership.
The Cali is clearly a desirable thing once you've made up your mind that it's for you. But for everyone it needs to be the "right time" with so many factors determining when this might be and everyone's arrives at a different stage in their life.
I'm sure this current situation won't be as bad as you imagine - the dealer won't have any problem finding a buyer so won't be in for giving you any grief I'm sure.
In the meantime, there many important things in life and this disappointment will no doubt diminish, whilst you keep that dream alive and on the back burner until your "right time" arrives.
Good luck matey :) :thumb
Thanks... bearing my soul on an open forum isn’t usually my style and probably makes me look like a right nutter! I just ended up back here and it felt strangely like it’s meant to be this way. We’ll just have to see how things pan out.
In the meantime, I’ll go back to trawling through the galleries with van envy
You are as normal as the people on this forum. Many have and many dream. We make decisions and not all of them pan out the way we expect it to. I am sure that the dealer has also had to deal with many such situations and being forthright with them will only help your case.

You are not committing a sin, and there is no need to ask anyone (the dealer) for forgiveness. It is a situation that needs to be dealt with as it is. Of course you are sorry for the situation. Your circumstances have changed and try what they may (the dealer) they cannot change it. If they want your business in the future (as you are very determined to get one and so you will) they'd better treat you right.

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Baring your soul on a forum is something that happens when you've started to become part of the odd sort of 'family' that a forum like this provides. Please don't feel you shouldn't do it, as it can be very useful to have somewhere to let off the head of steam that builds up when life gets a bit difficult and we're trying not to keep on about it to those we live with!

And where else are you going to find a group of people who can empathize entirely with your disappointment at not getting your California?

If it's any consolation, I bought a 9 year old Cali nearly 2 years ago, and people still have difficulty believing it isn't new! And of course while you get yourself sorted out there are all sorts of (dare I say inferior?) campervans that can be acquired fairly cheaply, could solve your transport problem while giving you the holiday facility AND make you appreciate your Cali even more when you finally get one!

Just call me Pollyanna!
Many years ago Porsche were launching the Boxster and I put down a deposit on a long lead time. Later on got made redundant due to a takeover. I managed to “sell on” my place in the queue and even made some money on the deal. Worth finding out if anyone interested.
A lot can change in a week!

The dealer never did come back to me despite two messages left and an email explaining the situation. I’m not his priority now and he has customers who ARE buying his vans to deal with. I respect that and we all move on.

We became aware of an older used California on Monday that had everything we wanted spec wise, fairly close to us and within budget so we went to see it today. The exterior is mint, everything works properly and the only down side is the state of it inside. It’s filthy!!

Long story short, it’s now sat on our drive! I will be up at the crack of the dawn to get the interior back to a live-able state and I think I will actually enjoy the process. She will be loved.

I’ve dubbed her Doris. She’s a beaut.
Well done. The inside will clean and it will be your pride and joy. Use it and have a great time. :thumb:thumb
Great news in the end! Be sure to post photos after you’ve transformed the inside :)
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Let's see some images.

The interior of a cali is just about bomb proof. Carpets can be shampooed and the rear comes up a treat with a bit of elbow grease.

That's good news it was meant to be
A lot can change in a week!

The dealer never did come back to me despite two messages left and an email explaining the situation. I’m not his priority now and he has customers who ARE buying his vans to deal with. I respect that and we all move on.

We became aware of an older used California on Monday that had everything we wanted spec wise, fairly close to us and within budget so we went to see it today. The exterior is mint, everything works properly and the only down side is the state of it inside. It’s filthy!!

Long story short, it’s now sat on our drive! I will be up at the crack of the dawn to get the interior back to a live-able state and I think I will actually enjoy the process. She will be loved.

I’ve dubbed her Doris. She’s a beaut.

So, you entered into a contract, you and the other party were both OK with the terms. Now without a care for the other party you decide to breach the contract. Is that about right ?

You now purchase a Cali that you have seen and proudly put on here what you have done. You better hope the other party to the contract does not see what you have done, he or she may decide to take action against you for breach of contract.

If all this is correct, your the type of consumer that business needs protecting against.
So, you entered into a contract, you and the other party were both OK with the terms. Now without a care for the other party you decide to breach the contract. Is that about right ?

You now purchase a Cali that you have seen and proudly put on here what you have done. You better hope the other party to the contract does not see what you have done, he or she may decide to take action against you for breach of contract.

If all this is correct, your the type of consumer that business needs protecting against.

Wow! What an attitude. If, as Deejossi says, he bought it under distance selling rules, he has a right, as I understand it, to cancel his contract up until 14 days after taking delivery, which he has done. The contract was cancellable, it's cost him £1,000 so no breach of contract as you seem to suggest. He had no customisation so the dealer can sell the van again but now he's £1,000 better off from the deal.

Deejossi has now bought a Cali which is cheaper and therefore affordable. His original purchase clearly wasn't so it seems like a very sensible thing to do rather than to take out loads of debt which he can't afford and which he will ultimately default on.

As far the the business needing protecting, the law is there to protect the consumer against the hard sell. It seems that Deejossi told the dealer about his financial situation before buying the van yet the dealer was still happy to take his deposit. You can make your own mind up as to who is in the wrong here (if anyone).
A lot can change in a week!

The dealer never did come back to me despite two messages left and an email explaining the situation. I’m not his priority now and he has customers who ARE buying his vans to deal with. I respect that and we all move on.

We became aware of an older used California on Monday that had everything we wanted spec wise, fairly close to us and within budget so we went to see it today. The exterior is mint, everything works properly and the only down side is the state of it inside. It’s filthy!!

Long story short, it’s now sat on our drive! I will be up at the crack of the dawn to get the interior back to a live-able state and I think I will actually enjoy the process. She will be loved.

I’ve dubbed her Doris. She’s a beaut.

Sent from my Redmi Note 4 using Tapatalk
Glad you have what you want within your financial comfort zone it means you can enjoy it rather than always see an over financial commitment sitting on the drive we worked our way up to our Cali with a caravelle via a van conversion to the Cali the most important thing is to enjoy Doris as others have said the inside will clean up with elbow grease our caravelle was disgusting inside but carpet cleaner and a few goes at steam cleaning it came up a treat.
Well done you ;)

Worrying about money (or the lack of it...) is the pits. You did the right thing, you followed your gut, you were honest about it, came clean with the dealer (who has no doubt already sold it on, plus the £1k deposit) and now you have a new van, yay!!! Business is business, that's what the point of a deposit is about. It's a deposit. You change your mind, you lose the deposit, simples.

Absolutely no point having any new vehicle, whether it cost £5k or £50k, sat on the drive, that you know deep down you cant afford, it takes all the fun of it out. Miserable.

Doris sounds fab :D And, once you’ve cleaned her all up then she will definitely be a part of the family, and you will all be so much happier.

Enjoy, and put up some before/after pics!
I'm always amazed when my Cali looks disgusting inside - mud and grass on the carpets and the seats etc - then I vacuum it and wipe the seats with some polish wipes - and suddenly it looks wonderful again - in spite of it now being 11 years old!

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