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Forum being ruined...

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T6.1 Ocean 150
I have found recently that this Forum has been hijacked by a minority of people who don't appear interested in being helpful or providing constructive advice to posts asking for advice. Instead they are more interested in 'trying' to be funny, showing off their (alleged) superiority or just being sarcastic.

I thought the purpose of this Forum was to share knowledge and help people with all types of experience with Californias - not to show off at every opportunity and put people down. I have noticed more and more examples of this recently and I think it's very sad. It's very difficult for Moderators to pick up on this type of thing but frankly I think it is ruining this Forum.
Have you reported posts that you think are ruining this forum?

As you say it is hard for moderators to pick up unless the membership generally wave enough flags for the trend to be apparent.

I do have some sympathy for your view.

In part it is due to the times, people are bored: there are no "camping" activities taking place and this forum revolves around those: people are also stressed due to lockdown and less patient than usual.

Part also is the growth of this forum. Huge numbers comparatively of new members joining, all with the same or similar questions and not all familiar with forums or search functions. For those who have been around a long time and have answered the same question perhaps 6 0r 7 times over a degree of irritation creeps in.

I can go on but it is no longer my place to do so.

This forum for me has always been a unique and wonderfully rich place due to the diversity of members and activities pursued. These are difficult times for any forum to manage it's way through. Those difficulties though will eventually end.
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Forums are dangerous places. One enters at one’s peril. Chill out and take the banter in the spirit it is intended. Personally, I’m on garden leave which, combined with lockdown, means I’m bored out of my mind watch out folks!
Have you reported posts that you think are ruining this forum?

As you say it is hard for moderators to pick up unless the membership generally wave enough flags for the trend to be apparent.

I do have some sympathy for your view.

In part it is due to the times, people are bored: there are no "camping" activities taking place and this forum revolves around those: people are also stressed due to lockdown and less patient than usual.

Part also is the growth of this forum. Huge numbers comparatively of new members joining, all with the same or similar questions and not all familiar with forums or search functions. For those who have been around a long time and have answered the same question perhaps 6 0r 7 times over a degree of irritation creeps in.

I can go on but it is no longer my place to do so.

This forum for me has always been a unique and wonderfully rich place due to the diversity of members and activities pursued. These are difficult times for any forum to manage it's way through. Those difficulties though will eventually end.
It's a shame that as a moderator you appear to be excusing such behaviour....
Forums are dangerous places. One enters at one’s peril. Chill out and take the banter in the spirit it is intended. Personally, I’m on garden leave which, combined with lockdown, means I’m bored out of my mind watch out folks!
Oh so your bored so it's fine to be sarcastic and unhelpfull then is it ?
I've been on here nearly a year and it does seem there's a cohort of members who have been on here for years who seem to have a superiority complex and think it's funny to make sarcastic and disparaging remarks. They always seem to gang up, like now, and quite frankly you seem like a group of bullys.
I am a new member and have found the forum invaluable with help and advice whilst going through the ordering process of my Cali and the countless questions that it then throws up around equipment etc etc.

If anyone is putting anyone down, behaving inappropriately then that of course should not be tolerated - I haven't experienced this myself, I've only had positive times so far. Presumably there's a process for the reporting of such behaviour?

"For those who have been around a long time and have answered the same question perhaps 6 0r 7 times over a degree of irritation creeps in." - I take the point on this but if you are irritated by a question then you don't have to answer/comment!
Not angry, just dissapointed and sad....
Very few malicious posts appear on this forum. Some might
seem a bit rude but its generally all done in jest.

Don't be too sad about it, a bit of fun makes for a good forum in my view.
Very few malicious posts appear on this forum. Some might
seem a bit rude but its generally all done in jest.

Don't be too sad about it, a bit of fun makes for a good forum in my view.
We're all up for a bit of fun, just not sarcastic patronising idiots who think they are superior.
Any one notice how its always the newbies on here criticising those that have been around since the start.
Any one notice it's always the same handful of people who get their kicks blowing up threads with insulting and sarcastic posts? Only the newbies mention it because everybody else knows they will never change.

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