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Fed up with ‘bad’ news? Post your good news here!



VIP Member
T6.1 Coast 150
For the first time in a couple of years I am really fed up with all the doom and gloom that lurks around the corner every time I listen to the news on the radio. We are in troubled times and I agree that for most of us on here any ‘problems’ we may have are actually very minor. However I do find that the constant barrage of current affairs is beginning to grind me down to the extent that I find myself not actually listen to ‘the news’ as much as I used to.

SO THEN, POST YOUR GOOD NEWS HERE! (No whining, no negativity, no depressing truths………..JUST GOOD NEWS)
My energy company just e-mailed to advise that I could lower my monthly direct debit .... really!!
My Cali, while generally grubby, is not yet filthy enough that I have to wash it, hooray.
"God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference".

That's it in a nutshell!

Since most of the doom and gloom is completely out of our control then what's the point in worrying about it?

Good news - In 31 days Christmas will be over................ Bah humbug!
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Closer to finalising a Switzerland 1 week (9 days actually) trip in the Cali in Dec. Yay! Make the most of the time that is available. :thumb
This morning I held a door open for a slow walking older man and when he got to me he said, “I should be holding it for you my dear” I replied, “Don’t worry I’m a modern woman” and he beamed and said’ “thank goodness for modern women” we both chucked and went on with our days smiling
This morning I held a door open for a slow walking older man and when he got to me he said, “I should be holding it for you my dear” I replied, “Don’t worry I’m a modern woman” and he beamed and said’ “thank goodness for modern women” we both chucked and went on with our days smiling
Chuckled not chucked
I woke this morning and thought “gee, thanks another day to live doing the things I want to do“
Sitting in the van listening to the river. The radio turns off the news 20221125_110401.jpgby itself. And the sun is out and the kettle on.
Everyone doing their little bit to make the world a better place. Uktoukraine on Instagram. Folks near us in Axford.


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