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This thread is almost driving me to drink.
But think of the Pension savings of all those unclaimed pensions and other benefits. On which side of the equation do they go?

I'm just a simple medic - see - diagnose - treat to the best of my ability with, I'm proud to say, some good results. I think I'll leave all this analysis and The Crispin Family use of underpants, prefer boxers myself, to the " Chattering Classes " as they seem to get some kick out of it.
I'm sure you'll find someone else to argue the toss with, and I'm sure you and The Crispin Family would get on well together. You're almost next door to each other.

God, I have to drive to Cardiff next week to meet one of the greatest Welsh rugby legends. If he is anything like you I better reconsider.

Luckily I think such traits do not run along national lines.

By the way your point about pensions falls flat because I already suggested that if dualling to death would be allowed at appropriate tax, the overall system would be financially better off. You did not address that point.

But Snowdon's and your point applied to dualling to death would yield unequivocal benefits for society.

Enjoy whatever you do. Leave the insults and OED definitions of your choice of insults aside for more pleasurable pastimes.

Be good.
This thread is almost driving me to drink.


Feynman was teetotal! The poor sod. If only he knew Snowdon and WelshGas, he'd have changed his anti social habits.

At least he did experiment with LSD. Maybe he was high when he gave up drink!
I've read some twaddle in my time but this thread takes the biscuit.....time for a glass of red
My issue is with the manner of many of the posts in this forum which have reverted to personal invective.

I have no idea who Tom is. But watching his considered and well articulated posts twisted into other meaning, and personal remarks flying his way has not been edifying.

So it is strange to watch a Feynman admirer doing so.

From what I know of the guy he was open minded. When one of the professors from my own research group won the famed Swedish prize the first congratulatory telegram arrived from RPF. There were others who resented it so much they are carping decades later.

Btw, amusingly, RPF was not even a member of the American Physical Society (though I was!) because he felt, with some justification, that such societies propogate smugness and close mindedness. People get high on titles and memberships was his view.

I actually have observed that he was very accurate about this.

So it was amusing to notice a high level consultant resorting to membership of a professional society as justification for Snowdon's conclusions.

Sorry, not buying the Snowdon conclusion, at least as of yet.

If you like Feynman's approach then look at the spirit behind it. He tended to dismiss most research in the social sciences as soft and shoddy, and unfortunately we have far too many examples to lend support to his disdain. Snowdon's claims are just claims.

As for this thread, it evolved as follows:

1. Complaint about a non British Citizen gaming the system.

2. Tom pointed out there was nothing illegal about it.

3. I pointed out that we end up paying for many costs that are knowingly incurred by some. As example, sat smoking and drinking.

4. WelshGas then cited evidence that smoking and alcohol were actually beneficial.

5. I tried to get answers from him but got insults.

6. Finally he posted detail about his background in the NHS.

7. I then explained why I was not convinced by the Snowdon paper at all.

Doubt if it as much evidence as WelshGas claims.

Anyway, I already got a response from the mathematician I mentioned earlier. His immediate response basically same as mine. Cost function definition is limited by choice.

Did I do that?
God, I have to drive to Cardiff next week to meet one of the greatest Welsh rugby legends. If he is anything like you I better reconsider.

Luckily I think such traits do not run along national lines.

By the way your point about pensions falls flat because I already suggested that if dualling to death would be allowed at appropriate tax, the overall system would be financially better off. You did not address that point.

But Snowdon's and your point applied to dualling to death would yield unequivocal benefits for society.

Enjoy whatever you do. Leave the insults and OED definitions of your choice of insults aside for more pleasurable pastimes.

Be good.
Well you'll have to pay to get in. Pity the poor legend. Whatever has he done wrong to warrant such a meeting?
Well you'll have to pay to get in. Pity the poor legend. Whatever has he done wrong to warrant such a meeting?

Yes, must be as smart as you.

Turns out has been asking to meet for over a year. In fact, I had to go to Cardiff last year and met a bunch of Welsh sporting legends.

I shall give them your name next time.

I wondered down to Penarth after lunch and the weather was worse than England!

By the way, I quite like you. You remind me of my 4 year old. He too is learning words, and together we looked up pompous, troll, and a few other words from the OED. He has now started using them, much to his erm, uh, dear, ah Swiss mother's consternation! A non Brit in household you see! Carrying non British passport to unlike us.

I have told her never to visit the NHS. She says medical facilities much better in Switzerland. The ingrate!

By the way, the reason you remind me of my 4 year old is not because you are likely as cute or have hair the same shade of dark blond, but because he too loses the plot when he doesn't get his way.

Enjoy yourself dude, as the Americans say.
Ahhhhhhhhhhh! That bastion of middle class angst.....I will tell you the same thing I told the Editor: "Wipe your mouth their is a tiny bit of bullshit around your lips..... After 64 years I have learned not to believe everything I think.
Well worth reading given the thread:

One day this rag will follow the News of the Screws and it will be fondly remembered a nothing more than a great cultural fart......
12£'s for a Xmas tree! It's a bit early for that breaking news. We've only just had Diwali...!!!
Hell hath no fury like Father Christmas!
Publications, interest groups and many parts of the establishment that favoured a remain outcome to keep their gravy train on the rails, have it in their interest to promolgate social incohesiveness associated with Xenophobia. Hopefully it will end when we pull the rip cord (Article 50)

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