Does anyone have experience with the plastic c-channel insert that fits into the standard multirail? I want to use this to attach my Vango drive-away awning to the van rather than the c-channel in the roll-out awning. However, I have read that the insert does not work with a standard 6mm Kador strip.
Not sure whether you found an answer elsewhere, but I've been on a similar voyage of discovery myself and I now have something that works (for me).
I have removed the factory roll-out awning from my Cali (heresy I hear people say). I only used it a few times a year and for the rest of the time I was lugging around 26kg of metal, which spoils the lines of my van (in my humble opinion).
I do however want to connect a canvas sun shade/awning on occasions and I also intend to get a drive away tent awning for a trip this summer. I want to be able to connect these directly to the van (i.e. to the factory fitted aluminium multi-rail that is bonded to the side of the van).
Enter various threads discussing problems getting a 6mm Kador strip (typical of most tent awnings and sun shades) to attach reliably either to the van itself using the aluminium multi-rail or to the awning rail on the roll-out factory awning.
In the end I needed the combination of the figure 8 awning connectors sold widely, but in this instance (as they can vary) from the VW California Owners Club shop (specifically and a awning convertor strip sold by Funky Leisure (
This allows me to connect my sun shade awning (also from Funky Leisure - to the van without it pulling out of the rail. I am hopeful that this will also be the case with whatever drive away tent awning I end up with later I'm the year. But I guess there scope for more pantomime there ;0)
A number of learning points for me:
1) The factory aluminium rail appears to be called a 'multi-rail' by some people - perhaps useful for future searches.
2) Also the said multi-rail has a different profile (T-section) to the channel on the roll-out awning (C-Section).
3) To attach a 6mm Kador strip to the awning rail on the factory rollout awning you need the 'tent adaptor' (that is usual supplied with the vehicle where the factory roll-out awning is fitted, but otherwise a rather pricy VW part circa £80), which is a rubber insert that fits into the awning rail and presents a channel into which a Kador connector can notionally be attached. I say notionally as many threads seem to report that a 6mm Kador is able to pull away from the tent-adaptor, in which case the 6mm to 7mm Kador adaptor strip above may be the answer? I wonder whether the rubber tent adaptor is designed to allow a connected Kador strip to pull away, so as to avoid damage where excessive force is applied - e.g. in strong wind??
4) If your multi-rail has come away from the van (as mine had) then it can be bonded back on with Sikaflex ( other suppliers available). Not difficult to pull the rail away sufficiently to squirt some adhesive behind the rail and then hold in place with something like a ratchet strap until the adhesive goes off. Just make sure you wipe off any overspill while its still wet.
Apologies if this cuts across many threads. Happy to post to the technical section if that makes more sense.