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Any Vulcan fans out there?

@soulstyledevon what luck indeed! It was a great spot. I felt a bit sorry for the folks that paid £50 to watch it from the Heritage Center. The best bit was definitely the pass over the top of the hills. We live a few miles east of there.

We are in the caravan club (afilliated) site at Greetham, Rutland (which is quite nice - a lovely walk to the reservoire and some great pubs in the village) and we plan to watch the flypast from here. We may head to Bruntingthorpe on the way home too....

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One Saturday a couple of years ago, I was providing the wedding transport for a young couple who were getting hitched. Following a lovely church ceremony in the village of Ash in Kent, the young newly weds had asked the photographer to take some pictures of them together with the car in a nearby orchard with the church framed in the background.
So there we all were on this lovely sunny day with said vintage car positioned in orchard with church spire rising into blue sky behind it, as instructed. The photographer was busy taking endless snaps of the happy couple whilst I kicked my heals out of shot. After what seemed like an age I became aware of a large low flying aircraft rapidly approaching us directly over the aforementioned church spire. It was the Vulcan flying very low after just having just left the nearby Thanet Airshow.
I yelled at the photographer to get the Vulcan in shot as well. It would have made a unique photo for the couple. Them looking radiant in front of their vintage wedding car in a picturesque orchard setting with the church spire where they had just been married in rising skyward in the background and the sky above full of magnificent Vulcan underbelly. Priceless.
After some rapid fumbling he announced that he had run out of memory space!!!

On another occasion many many years before I had accompanied my father to an Airshow at West Malling in Kent. Whilst wandering along the line of, what we in our family refer to as, muck and tat stalls, which ran parallel to and facing the runway, I caught sight of a Vulcan quietly approaching. Its entrance was so gentle that many people either hadn't noticed it coming or had paid it no attention at all. It was flying with its undercarriage up and at what must have been no more than a hundred feet above the runway. As it drew level with me the pilot gave it the full tin of beans and this great lumbering giant stood on its tail and went up almost vertically like a cat with its tail on fire until levelling off several thousand feet above. The effect was electrifying. The ground literally shook like an earthquake, small children were instantly reduced to tears and it set off most of the car alarms in the vast public car parking area. The noise was epic.

I will never forget that experience. This huge bomber aircraft being flown like a jet fighter demonstrated what superb aircraft they were.
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I first saw one at an air show when I was 8 or 9. Low and slow over the runway, impossibly low and slow stood up on end and travelling the length of the runway making the biggest noise I had ever heard. Seemingly ignoring any laws of physics that the rest of us are governed by!

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I last saw one years ago while sailing in the Solent. Day of Farnborough air show and think it was practicing its routine. Noise when it went into a climb was painful.
Currently sat on a gate in Middle Wallop hoping to get a repeat show. To busy to bring the Cali so cycled here .

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We've been sitting between the 2 Severn Crossings waiting for it around 14.55. A few hundred people. Someone had a Twitter link and heard it had bypassed us and was now in Cardiff going through Wales.
Ironically it passed over Bristol, apparently, so we'd have seen it if we had stayed put.

Did see it a lot in the 60s though when it was testing the Concorde engines. It flew over the city a few times to see what we all thought of the sonic boom. I thought it was great - at the time.
We'be been lucky enough to see it twice today. The first from Rutland and then this afternoon in the distance from the top of Edge hill. Thanks Vulcan and bye!!

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Just back from Rutland Water. Managed to get there at 11.30 (ish) and make our way down to the break water before the crowds appeared. Stood and sat till she flew over at 13.15 (ish) from the north shore directly over the south shore. Managed to get a [reasonable] video. Well worth the trip.

Lovely experience only spoiled slightly by the queues to pay and get out of the carpark.

Saw a grey Cali reg LO62... with a forum sticker in the rear window waiting to exit: Anyone on here?

Ellie, Debs and Cliff
Managed to see it again at Wellesbourne. It flew overhead twice. Took the wife and she was so pleased to see it too:bananadance
Was lucky enough to see it come down along Lake Windermere yesterday, truly amazing piece of engineering and a goosebump moment
Saw a grey Cali reg LO62... with a forum sticker in the rear window waiting to exit: Anyone on here?

Ellie, Debs and Cliff

That would be me :)

We got a good view from the rocks just down from the church. We thought it might be busy, but it was madness - we had to queue to get in - I think the car park barriers got a bit tired!
That would be me :)

We got a good view from the rocks just down from the church. We thought it might be busy, but it was madness - we had to queue to get in - I think the car park barriers got a bit tired!

Hello teeboy! We would have said hello but we were too shy... :happy... (not really). Seriously, we saw your Cali from a distance as you were nearing the exit barrier. Who'd have thought that there would be only one exit and that the Vulcan would have been such a draw?

Good views/photos of her as she came across the reservoir though... :thumb
Californiaman... excellent photos. We'd guess semi professional or high end amateur.
Californiaman... excellent photos. We'd guess semi professional or high end amateur. :thumb
Thanks. Its purely a hobby (that I take quite seriously!)

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She flew over Brixworth today and picked up with a Spitfire and the Blades. Managed to grab a couple of shots out of our bedroom window.

Ellie, Debs and Cliff


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