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5th Seat to rent for November and December


Mr B

VIP Member
T6 Ocean 150

Is there anyone near Kent that would rent me a 5th Seat for two months (November and December) as we have my partners Australian parents visiting and we can't all fit in the van when they arrive!!

I would buy one if I could find one at the right price too.

Many thanks

Anyone? I'm happy to drive to pick it up and drop it off and can pay cash if necessary...
Probably better off buying a second hand one, and then just sell it when they have gone.

Usually a few on Ebay / FB Marketplace.
Yes I will if I can find one!! Just saw that done people were offering to lend then on another thread here and thought I'd ask.

Haven't had any replies though. Should have pretended to be a new woman owner :)
I can’t DM you, perhaps because (no offence) you’re not VIP!
South East London, just off the A20- ten minutes from the A20/M25 junction.

We might be able to help.
I've upgraded to VIP. Cheers