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The Curious Incident of the Stop/Start at the Roundabout

My new Cali also roles on a incline and stop/start cuts in before I am stationary seemed very strange thought it was something I was doing wrong ? Thought about contacting main dealer but sounds like it’s not something that will be fixed as they don’t seem to think it’s a problem from what I am reading.
It’s purpose is not fuel saving, but to reduce emissions. It’s not intended to benefit us, but pedestrians (and pollution regulations).

Yes. I leave my stop start operating all the time as I live in London - 30 cars all sitting at the traffic lights with engines off all makes a difference for people walking around. You get used to it and it’s a good thing in this world of combustion. Shame I live under the Heathrow flight path then really... doh

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What percentage of time is a car stationary on a typical London commute? 5%? 10%? 15%?

Whichever it is, stop/start has the potential to reduce pollution by up to that percentage.

I do not generally find it a problem, and adapt accordingly. But living in London I suppose it has become more routine for me than if I lived somewhere where the traffic flows faster and with fewer stops and starts.
Fair comment I suppose, if you are unfortunate enough to live in London.
Living in the Highlands we can at least breath fresh air and maybe if I was down in London I could accept it more.
As it is I will still be switching it off on most journeys and making my own decisions when to turn the engine off when held up.
I turn of my stop start at the beginning of every journey. Only because the only way to see the gear select on the dashboard display is to do that!
I have real trouble seeing the gear select otherwise because the van has been changed from LHD to RHD but the gear engagement numbers are to the left of the stick. I drive a manual car on a day to day basis and find this ridiculousl.
Fair comment I suppose, if you are unfortunate enough to live in London.
Living in the Highlands we can at least breath fresh air and maybe if I was down in London I could accept it more.
As it is I will still be switching it off on most journeys and making my own decisions when to turn the engine off when held up.
Don’t take this personally, please.
The Pollution doesn’t stay in London, it ends up in the atmosphere that we all breath, so the “ I’m alright Jack “ opinion of many people is the reason Climate Change and Particulate Emissions are never going to be solved because very few people believe they are affected or that they bear any responsibility.

Remember, London might have high levels of pollution, but it doesn’t stay there. Londoners might well be responsible for the levels of pollution seen in the Highlands, so what would you like them to do?
Don’t take this personally, please.
The Pollution doesn’t stay in London, it ends up in the atmosphere that we all breath, so the “ I’m alright Jack “ opinion of many people is the reason Climate Change and Particulate Emissions are never going to be solved because very few people believe they are affected or that they bear any responsibility.

Remember, London might have high levels of pollution, but it doesn’t stay there. Londoners might well be responsible for the levels of pollution seen in the Highlands, so what would you like them to do?
I suppose the biggest polluters should help pay for solutions to the problem but as we all know it’s those who can least afford it end up being penalised.
Most people in London are better off financially than those in the North so maybe they should pay more to solve the problem!
My nearest bus stop is two miles from my home so Using a car is essential to us.
I am very aware of pollution and looking after the planet so unless we all ditch driving all together, which is unlikely to happen, there are hopefully, cleverer people than me who will solve the problem of pollution.
this is hilarious!
we gaily trip trap around in our 3 tonne kitchen/bedrooms and then get holier than thou with the shall I shan't I stop start.
I turn it off because it doesn't make a s***s worth of difference with all the ordinance being lobbed around by the war mongers out there.
We all should hang our heads in shame for not wearing hair shirts and riding bicycles ....

I am often caught out slowing at roundabouts as there is already enough to be concentrating on without the will it/won't it let me drive the bloody thing or is it going to go on strike.........
Please, no offence intended .

Oh dear, i have just noticed that this is a T6 discussion, whoops, I know my place......
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this is hilarious!
we gaily trip trap around in our 3 tonne kitchen/bedrooms and then get holier than thou with the shall I shan't I stop start.
I turn it off because it doesn't make a s***s worth of difference with all the ordinance being lobbed around by the war mongers out there.
We all should hang our heads in shame for not wearing hair shirts and riding bicycles ....

I am often caught out slowing at roundabouts as there is already enough to be concentrating on without the will it/won't it let me drive the bloody thing or is it going to go on strike.........
Please, no offence intended .

Oh dear, i have just noticed that this is a T6 discussion, whoops, I know my place......
you have just illustrated my point perfectly.:thanks
Don’t take this personally, please.
The Pollution doesn’t stay in London, it ends up in the atmosphere that we all breath, so the “ I’m alright Jack “ opinion of many people is the reason Climate Change and Particulate Emissions are never going to be solved because very few people believe they are affected or that they bear any responsibility.

Remember, London might have high levels of pollution, but it doesn’t stay there. Londoners might well be responsible for the levels of pollution seen in the Highlands, so what would you like them to do?

That's right for those types of pollutants, ie greenhouse gases (CO2, mainly), which have a global impact.

However, particulates are for the most part a localised problem and folks like me who live out of town aren't going to be affected at all in practice by whatever particulates the urbanites push out (the village where I live in the Chilterns first began to be 'colonised' by London migrants in the 1850s, when air quality in London became insufferable). I do my bit to keep the village air from being crystal-clear, by enthusiastic use of our log-burner. :(

Unfortunately, even city-dwelling drivers aren't directly affected much by the particulates their own particular car emits - most of its impact is at pavement level, in that specific street, most severely on pedestrians and cyclists. It does also contribute to secondary pollution, notably harmful sulphate compounds that have a wider-area effect but still fairly localised.

I find stop/start very good, and important tech, when driving in city - although that's quite rare for me. But out of town I find it a complete pain as although it doesn't operate very often, it's always at a junction when I'm about to pull out.

Maybe a 'geo-fenced' stop/start system that only works when in an urban area would be great, although I'm not expecting that to happen.
this is hilarious!
we gaily trip trap around in our 3 tonne kitchen/bedrooms and then get holier than thou with the shall I shan't I stop start.
I turn it off because it doesn't make a s***s worth of difference with all the ordinance being lobbed around by the war mongers out there.
We all should hang our heads in shame for not wearing hair shirts and riding bicycles ....

I am often caught out slowing at roundabouts as there is already enough to be concentrating on without the will it/won't it let me drive the bloody thing or is it going to go on strike.........
Please, no offence intended .

C'mon Eddie, if we just applied a "But whaddabout...?" argument to gainsay any new tech to improve the environment, we'd still be in the 1950s with (eg) 12,000 people dying in London alone from air pollution in 1952.

Actually, the many little tech and regulatory measures have added up to huge improvements. The UK now emits less CO2 in total than we did in 1890, which I think is a pretty stunning achievement. Okay, the massive shift in electricity generation away from coal in the past decade accounts for much of that, but the small stuff matters as well, adds up to a big effect.

I know you were posting tongue-in-cheek Eddie, but just sayin...
this is hilarious!
we gaily trip trap around in our 3 tonne kitchen/bedrooms and then get holier than thou with the shall I shan't I stop start.
I turn it off because it doesn't make a s***s worth of difference with all the ordinance being lobbed around by the war mongers out there.
We all should hang our heads in shame for not wearing hair shirts and riding bicycles ....

I am often caught out slowing at roundabouts as there is already enough to be concentrating on without the will it/won't it let me drive the bloody thing or is it going to go on strike.........
Please, no offence intended .

Oh dear, i have just noticed that this is a T6 discussion, whoops, I know my place......
Totally agree with you!
We could go on forever discussing unnecessary pollution and it’s causes but not on the T6 forum...........ahh my postie has just driven two miles up the glen to post advertising leaflets through my door which I promptly throw in the bin. I wonder how much all this junk costs the planet??
That switch on the dashboard that disables stop/ it a once-per-journey switch or can the system be disabled and re-enabled while driving? So can it be disabled as you're approaching a roundabout you're familiar with and know you may want to jump for a gap, then re-enabled after?
I know that's much more of a faff than simply switching off at the start of every journey, but would be handy to know about so we have the choice.
Pretty sure it can't be disabled by a VW franchise as it would alter the vehicle's emissions ratings (so, potentially, VED etc etc).

It might be possible to get it hacked by an independent, I guess.
That switch on the dashboard that disables stop/ it a once-per-journey switch or can the system be disabled and re-enabled while driving? So can it be disabled as you're approaching a roundabout you're familiar with and know you may want to jump for a gap, then re-enabled after?
I know that's much more of a faff than simply switching off at the start of every journey, but would be handy to know about so we have the choice.

It can be disabled and reenabled during driving. But the idea that each time you approach a roundabout, or each time someone in front of you indicates to turn right that you have to reach across to the far side of the dash and then press a button (and repeat once obstacles are passed) is never going to be safe - mentally or hands off the wheel.
The eBay ‘gizmo’ just gets the switch to remember its last choice. So if you press it once to disable it, it stays like that permanently until you press it again,
So if you usually drive on quiet roads (like I do) I will leave mine switched off. If I find myself in a busy city, I will switch it back on.
It can be disabled and reenabled during driving. But the idea that each time you approach a roundabout, or each time someone in front of you indicates to turn right that you have to reach across to the far side of the dash and then press a button (and repeat once obstacles are passed) is never going to be safe - mentally or hands off the wheel.
The eBay ‘gizmo’ just gets the switch to remember its last choice. So if you press it once to disable it, it stays like that permanently until you press it again,
So if you usually drive on quiet roads (like I do) I will leave mine switched off. If I find myself in a busy city, I will switch it back on.
My thoughts exactly!
It can can be switched on and off during a journey but I don’t think you need to worry about doing that as it would drive you nuts thinking “ is it on? is it off? Is the light on the switch on or off”?
I just turn it off when I get in the Cali as it as this suites my location and driving and I don’t think another thing about it.
C'mon Eddie, if we just applied a "But whaddabout...?" argument to gainsay any new tech to improve the environment, we'd still be in the 1950s with (eg) 12,000 people dying in London alone from air pollution in 1952.

Actually, the many little tech and regulatory measures have added up to huge improvements. The UK now emits less CO2 in total than we did in 1890, which I think is a pretty stunning achievement. Okay, the massive shift in electricity generation away from coal in the past decade accounts for much of that, but the small stuff matters as well, adds up to a big effect.

I know you were posting tongue-in-cheek Eddie, but just sayin...

, I'm wondering if my space heater is eco friendly?
Oh good, it stops and that's ok then
Pretty sure it can't be disabled by a VW franchise as it would alter the vehicle's emissions ratings (so, potentially, VED etc etc).

It might be possible to get it hacked by an independent, I guess.

Indeed, the official VW dealer can/may not disable the start/stop system.
This is a workaround: disconnect the voltage/current sensor on the minus pole of the batterie.
Is the sensor only function To enable the start / stop? Or does the sensor affect other functions ?
Among a lot of input signals to the steeringbox of the start/stop system this sensor gives information of the voltage of the batterie to the steering box of the start/stop system.
If this information is not there the engine stays on to keep the batterie loaded for security reasons.
My stop/start cuts in every night as I drop to around 2mph to park my Cali up against the wall outside my house. I then always have to engage it again to move the final 1/2 a foot or so that I need to be my final resting place. As it always cuts in and leaves me that 1/2 foot short I have to be vey careful that getting the engine to start again doesn't lurch me forward into the wall
Never one had a problem like this in my manual ;)
My stop/start cuts in every night as I drop to around 2mph to park my Cali up against the wall outside my house. I then always have to engage it again to move the final 1/2 a foot or so that I need to be my final resting place. As it always cuts in and leaves me that 1/2 foot short I have to be vey careful that getting the engine to start again doesn't lurch me forward into the wall
I think that I would be tempted to disable the stop start before you go onto the drive!

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