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Prices of used vans

Left a message on this thread for original poster,but it seems to have been removed.Why is this?
I also left a post on another thread that also disappeared.Both time I was trying to help out a fellow member.Seems very strange.
Hpoefully this post will be left alone.
What happens when Euro 7 comes out, expected 2020?

Pretty obvious really, EU6 will be just about acceptable (as EU5 has been). Anything pre EU6 will not. All I’m pointing out to current buyers is that personally, I’d avoid an EU5, particularly at the prices asked which could leave you hugely exposed. You pay your money, you take your choice.
Pretty obvious really, EU6 will be just about acceptable (as EU5 has been). Anything pre EU6 will not. All I’m pointing out to current buyers is that personally, I’d avoid an EU5, particularly at the prices asked which could leave you hugely exposed. You pay your money, you take your choice.
Well if you follow that argument you would never buy another vehicle at all. The engine technology is always playing catchup with what the legislators rightly or wrongly think should happen. As the standards get more restrictive the technology gets more complicated, more expensive and more to go wrong. I think we will stick with our T5.1 and just use public transport to get into towns with restrictions.
Well if you follow that argument you would never buy another vehicle at all. The engine technology is always playing catchup with what the legislators rightly or wrongly think should happen. As the standards get more restrictive the technology gets more complicated, more expensive and more to go wrong. I think we will stick with our T5.1 and just use public transport to get into towns with restrictions.

I would agree that it’s all b******s and if I owned a T5 I’d probably do the same. Would I actively buy one now? No, certainly not at prices asked when an EU6 T6 can be bought for little more in many cases. I hate the fact that you can’t fix the newer stuff yourself. 5 year warranty, rinse and repeat whilst it still has decent value. VW love this, but I think on balance it has to be the way forward as technologies evolve and government meddling increases.

I’m off to cut the grass before my mower gets banned!
Well if you follow that argument you would never buy another vehicle at all. The engine technology is always playing catchup with what the legislators rightly or wrongly think should happen. As the standards get more restrictive the technology gets more complicated, more expensive and more to go wrong. I think we will stick with our T5.1 and just use public transport to get into towns with restrictions.

Briwy, that’s a very pragmatic approach, and one that should be followed by many. :thumb

The fact that many buses are still Deisel and highly polluting seems to have missed the governments attention, As does the issue of heavy goods vehicles deliverting all the good we “ need” to live

It’s a game for the politicians to play out how they see fit, creative accounting to suit a political agenda.

If you wait long enough:, Old cars don’t require an mot, tax or emissions test !

Why worry about if buts and maybes now when no one has any real idea of future developments and timescales, political landscapes, etc, Which are beyond our control and may change tack again, remember not so long ago “go buy a diesel and save the planet from global warming” ? Buy a log burner ? Plastic is sustainable because it is recycled, and other 21st century fables

How many people believed that then, and are now anti diesel, having had the perceived benefit? they simply move transiently into the other camp and throw stones at the former camp mates because they believe the latest BS

I’m not saying I’m against anti pollution, I’m just against the bull of it all, let’s see some real world workable solutions and drop the current political BS.

How can it be better for the planet to make a millions and millions of new vehicles, consider all, and I mean all, the resources it takes to make one new vehicle and deliver it to the end customer?

Here a a few choice issues

Beta max was a better format than VHS, VHS won out because of market share !
The Sinclair C5 will resuce traffic laden roads !
Cheap housing for all, post war, much of which is now redundant and unsuitable for purpose and is now being demolished and replaced with Uber expensive flats only the rich can afford!
Computers will make your life and work easier!
Importing Goods we can grown in our own country makes sense !
Building the M25 will reduce traffic in and around London!
Save for you pension (Maxwell)
Move all manufacturing to India and China to ensure goods are cheaper in the future at the expensive of domestic business!
A university degree will make you stand out from the crowd!
5p plastic carrier bag to save the planet! Tell that to Hue
Recycle your waste and the council will use it wisely!
Switch to renewable energy!
Log burners are clean and environmentally friendly !
Petrol is worse than deisel
Your vote matters !
Y2K bug ! Enough said

I can continue on with the latest greatest BS and experiment that never fully came to fruition (or the benefit it was intended to produce) but were driven purely by micro politics that now seem partly defunct, only to be replaced by the next wave of bollocktics.

All we can do is see how this environmental long game plays out and go on living our daily lives, making the practical decisions we feel we want to make or have to make to suit our own circumstances, quite simply no one has the answer or the tech at the moment to do way with deisel completely in the short term (20 years) if I still have my deisel Cali in 20 years I will be quite happy, if not I will look back fondly and remember the good old days of deisel, whilst reminiscing about how we used to be able to drive 700 miles in a day and only fill up once !

The truth of the matter is the current political agenda requires change to ensure you keep spending your hard earned wages and accruing large amounts of taxes to pump back into the bloated system and pay out share holders, it has nothing to do with saving the planet, humans have been destroying that quite well for the last 200 years and the situation will only become worse as the latest tech takes over, humans will rape the world for all of its resources in the name of progress, hidden behind a thin vale of righteousness troweled on with a thick layers of BS.
We have and are being duped into a throw away society of the next must have thing to suit political needs and big global business.

Let’s be clear the current deisel issue has nothing to do with what’s good for the man in the street or saving the planet, otherwise we would all be encouraged to live and work locally and make use of the things available to us.

Necessity is the mother of all invention, not bollockticks
I for one will be taking a pragmatic approach as in Briwys case. Adapt as is required.
If you want to save the planet, turn Of the electricity and heating, eat only what you grow, only have one child and fix it not bin it. Live and work local (I thought not)
We all pay lip service to the great beast that is capitalism whilst pretending we can actually do something about it locally, which give us some sense of control over an otherwise out of control world wide situation, which makes the matter even worse.

If people unilaterally refused to adopt the latest new tech what would happen ? But we won’t will we ?
Made me laugh when David Attenborough was on stage at Glastonbury praising the organisers and the audience for being so green and saving the Planet.
Then we see the aftermath. The piles of rubbish many which cant be recycled.
Typical, Do as I say NOT Do as I Do.
Made me laugh when David Attenborough was on stage at Glastonbury praising the organisers and the audience for being so green and saving the Planet.
Then we see the aftermath. The piles of rubbish many which cant be recycled.
Typical, Do as I say NOT Do as I Do.
And Not forgetting the huge amount of diesel generators they need to run everything....
When you value a California it’s not the same as any other vehicle on the road... I bought a Mercedes SLK it cost me 35k after bucket loads of problems got rid for 13k after 5 years and 18000 miles.. I bought a California 140 SE for 44k 4 years ago brand new... I’ve done 19000 miles no major problems only roof paint and Leisure batteries replaced under warranty... That is now worth in the region of £40k.. they are a no brainier... The vw California holds its value better than any other vehicle on the road... By the way don’t even think about pricing them on we buy any car... The values on there are totally unrealistic also trade in values at a dealer. they will give you half what it’s really worth....
For example, 2012 to 2015 T5s currently seem to consistently be in £35 - 42k range. Are they actually selling at the listed prices?

I am relatively new to the Cali Club having recently bought a SE TDi 180 middle of this year group. Its a little below your price range estimate tbh and sold near the asking price on here. I've followed and viewed a few and missed lots!! I have even turned around three times as they have sold on the way to look! They genuinely seem to sell incredibly quickly and easily - if the vehicle is good. I also hired, looked at and drove both conversions and a Cali. There is for me no contest!!
As ever with sellers there is always a 'que of people waiting to view' (which I can't verify but I always hear this) but I've wanted one for a while felt the owner was genuine. My search sort of evolved a bit as I missed loads that sold before seeing them even. It's good, but not new by any stretch. A VW Inspection at the local dealer gave it a clean bill of health with the exception of a rear tyre wearing more on the inside and 4 wheel alignment to do. I've had it serviced (so I am sure of where we are) even though it was recently done and so far so good no issues at all. It has a ton of extras as well (which add up) and more importantly the extras I wanted.

My view is I think these are commercial based vehicles that on the whole live incredibly pampered lives. I will be working through this one and have a regular pamper plan in action. There are always things you miss buying secondhand but sometimes its fun to get to know your vehicle, evolve with it and enjoy it!
I know its not new and we will as a family no doubt add further character and stories in this vehicles life.

I feel happier knowing its already maybe lost 35-40% ish of its new value already (when it was new anyway) but equally to buy a new one similar spec now would be mean around another 75-80% outlay! on top. Its a no brainer to me!

I would still like a new one but buying this gets us started without a humongus upfront outlay. If it continues to make us smile, do things together as a family, meet others doing the same and enjoy life it will be the best money we have ever spent.

If you want to feel rich just count all the things you have money can't buy!

Best of luck...…..
... By the way don’t even think about pricing them on we buy any car... The values on there are totally unrealistic also trade in values at a dealer.
Not sure I agree with that. Sold my first Ocean at a year old with 10k on the clock to WBAC for 3 grand more than I paid for it new. More than the most optimisticly advertised prices on here or in dealers at the time, and meant that the cost to change to new vehicle with higher spec was tiny. A number of others on here did similar so not a 1 off; I wasn't actually looking to change but couldn't believe the offer which was too good to pass up. I'm not saying it would be repeatable; this was a year ago now and they admitted they had offered too much for it when taken in, although they said only by a small amount. Guaranteed offer though and they didn't try and bring it down at all. So, I wouldn't ignore WBAC, they might just be brilliant. But I also wouldn't be surprised if they are no longer so competitive. Certainly worth tapping your reg in though and seeing what they come up with.
For example, 2012 to 2015 T5s currently seem to consistently be in £35 - 42k range. Are they actually selling at the listed prices?

I am relatively new to the Cali Club having recently bought a SE TDi 180 middle of this year group. Its a little below your price range estimate tbh and sold near the asking price on here. I've followed and viewed a few and missed lots!! I have even turned around three times as they have sold on the way to look! They genuinely seem to sell incredibly quickly and easily - if the vehicle is good. I also hired, looked at and drove both conversions and a Cali. There is for me no contest!!
As ever with sellers there is always a 'que of people waiting to view' (which I can't verify but I always hear this) but I've wanted one for a while felt the owner was genuine. My search sort of evolved a bit as I missed loads that sold before seeing them even. It's good, but not new by any stretch. A VW Inspection at the local dealer gave it a clean bill of health with the exception of a rear tyre wearing more on the inside and 4 wheel alignment to do. I've had it serviced (so I am sure of where we are) even though it was recently done and so far so good no issues at all. It has a ton of extras as well (which add up) and more importantly the extras I wanted.

My view is I think these are commercial based vehicles that on the whole live incredibly pampered lives. I will be working through this one and have a regular pamper plan in action. There are always things you miss buying secondhand but sometimes its fun to get to know your vehicle, evolve with it and enjoy it!
I know its not new and we will as a family no doubt add further character and stories in this vehicles life.

I feel happier knowing its already maybe lost 35-40% ish of its new value already (when it was new anyway) but equally to buy a new one similar spec now would be mean around another 75-80% outlay! on top. Its a no brainer to me!

I would still like a new one but buying this gets us started without a humongus upfront outlay. If it continues to make us smile, do things together as a family, meet others doing the same and enjoy life it will be the best money we have ever spent.

If you want to feel rich just count all the things you have money can't buy!

Best of luck...…..
Thanks, a very insightful post on current market pricing. Can you please elaborate on spec (perhaps by Private message) as I thought the £35-42k range was pretty accurate from my recent observations, but perhaps not.

P.s. thanks to all other posters for making this the liveliest post of the week on the forum - as confirmed by the weekly email update from the forum this afternoon. Lots of really valuable insight and opinions in this thread.

Thanks, Mike
Not sure I agree with that. Sold my first Ocean at a year old with 10k on the clock to WBAC for 3 grand more than I paid for it new. More than the most optimisticly advertised prices on here or in dealers at the time, and meant that the cost to change to new vehicle with higher spec was tiny. A number of others on here did similar so not a 1 off; I wasn't actually looking to change but couldn't believe the offer which was too good to pass up. I'm not saying it would be repeatable; this was a year ago now and they admitted they had offered too much for it when taken in, although they said only by a small amount. Guaranteed offer though and they didn't try and bring it down at all. So, I wouldn't ignore WBAC, they might just be brilliant. But I also wouldn't be surprised if they are no longer so competitive. Certainly worth tapping your reg in though and seeing what they come up with.

WBAC gave me a good price for my old Beach last year, the price went up and down on a daily basis but I booked an appointment when the quote increased overnight by 4k and sold it to them within a week. They didn't haggle at all and paid me the full quoted price. A really great easy sale.

I check my current Beach Edition occasionally on WBAC and the quoted price increased steadily from the winter until the end of April but has dropped from a high of 40.5k then to a very low of 32.5k only last week!

I assume the loyalty bonus and now the 2.75k deposit contribution on the T6 and the new T6.1 on the horizon has affected values.
WBAC gave me a good price for my old Beach last year, the price went up and down on a daily basis but I booked an appointment when the quote increased overnight by 4k and sold it to them within a week. They didn't haggle at all and paid me the full quoted price. A really great easy sale.

I check my current Beach Edition occasionally on WBAC and the quoted price increased steadily from the winter until the end of April but has dropped from a high of 40.5k then to a very low of 32.5k only last week!

I assume the loyalty bonus and now the 2.75k deposit contribution on the T6 and the new T6.1 on the horizon has affected values.
More likely the buying season has closed for this summer for those wanting one for this year.
Not sure I agree with that. Sold my first Ocean at a year old with 10k on the clock to WBAC for 3 grand more than I paid for it new. More than the most optimisticly advertised prices on here or in dealers at the time, and meant that the cost to change to new vehicle with higher spec was tiny. A number of others on here did similar so not a 1 off; I wasn't actually looking to change but couldn't believe the offer which was too good to pass up. I'm not saying it would be repeatable; this was a year ago now and they admitted they had offered too much for it when taken in, although they said only by a small amount. Guaranteed offer though and they didn't try and bring it down at all. So, I wouldn't ignore WBAC, they might just be brilliant. But I also wouldn't be surprised if they are no longer so competitive. Certainly worth tapping your reg in though and seeing what they come up with.
Just tried WBAC. £33450 .....That’s a good £6k less than prices being asked for exactly the Same model elsewhere.... If WBAC aren’t going to make £6k by putting through their auctions what’s the point in buying it in the first place..... Anyone looking for a 15 reg 140se .19000 miles beautiful condition and totally faultless.....for £33450..... maybe yes but it won’t be
Just tried WBAC. £33450 .....That’s a good £6k less than prices being asked for exactly the Same model elsewhere.... If WBAC aren’t going to make £6k by putting through their auctions what’s the point in buying it in the first place..... Anyone looking for a 15 reg 140se .19000 miles beautiful condition and totally faultless.....for £33450..... maybe yes but it won’t be
Sell a Cali to WBAC? Only a desperado would do that, or the bailiffs are knocking at your door!. I just checked on a 2019 VW Ocean 150 DSG 1500 miles with all the toys - they offered £35k!!! I'd rather set fire to it than sell to those (nasty adjective!) people!
Wait and see what is happening with low sulphur bio-diesel. You'd better believe it - the combustion engine is far from dead!

Audi’s fast S models (S4 & S5 etc) are going from Petrol to Diesel.
Audi must know something we don’t...?
Audi’s fast S models (S4 & S5 etc) are going from Petrol to Diesel.
Audi must know something we don’t...?
Maybe they have fitted the Bosch’s Emissions Control System.

Maybe they have fitted the Bosch’s Emissions Control System.

We can only hope.
It means diesel still has a future.
IMO electric vehicles will never work to our expectations.
Adding this onto an old thread. We have just recently bought a used California Ocean. Arguably at the worst possible time, but having sold my old (1985) van we couldn’t be without for any longer!! We will (hopefully) have the van for ten or more years all being well so the fact I may have paid more than 2 years ago isn’t too much of a concern. Life is too short and I wasn’t prepared to wait for prices to come back down again when we could be out enjoying it. But that’s just it. Will they? Our local conversion centre seems to have upped their prices considerably (see below for example). I don’t know how they will manage to sneak them back down again should the time come that we “go back to normal” and can travel as freely as pre-pandemic. Maybe they will introduce permanent “special offer” deals. Or are these inflated prices here to stay??? Also - thoughts on a conversion costing close to £58k?!?


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