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Mice in Cali!!



VIP Member
Mice droppings and stuff chewed up in T6 cupboard.

Suspect ingress by waste water outlet, anyone with any ideas?

Thanks in anticipation

put down some bait/killer in the cupboard. they can do a lot of damage if left alone.
Have you checked the roof canvas? They love that. Ask me how I know!!!
They love the insulation on the wiring too...!
Leave a cat in the cupboard. That will sort em
Thank you all!

Still don't know how it/they are getting in - there's 3 traps now waiting for them. Have had them before under the bonnet, but never inside the cab. I do know the insulation under the bonnet is a good place for nests...

We only had them under the bonnet last year … but they only need a small entrance. But still I thing it is most likely they where in something you took into the Cali.
Thank you Kmann, I would be very surprised if they were inadvertently carried into the Cali, but not excluding anything. In the meanwhile, yesterday I got a couple of rat traps and placed them in the middle of the floor and result - two fairly large ones! Will keep on repeating the exercise for a while in case there's a colony in there...
They´ve been in ours too and i think you are right about
the water outlet offering them a place to squeeze in.

They raided my Tunnock´s caramel wafers then made it to the rear
cupboard and made a nest with the bog roll then they got into the
ovehead locker and then this year whilst i was topping up the hydraulic
oil for the roof i noticed that they´d made a den above the roof lining.

I think it was a ´one off´ for us, as the van was left parked up unattended
for a week in Blighty, my mates terrier dog gave us the all clear.
I have only had one issue with mice, they were trying to make a home in the engine compartment next to the battery.

I think the route they take to get into the van is the front tyres, if you park with the steering on full lock the tyre is very close to the inner wing allowing an easy path for them. Since I have started ensuring I always park with the wheels straight ahead I have had no problems.

We live in the countryside and there are lots of mice about.
Mice droppings and stuff chewed up in T6 cupboard.

Suspect ingress by waste water outlet, anyone with any ideas?

Thanks in anticipation

I found a nest next to the battery last year but never in the far.
Anyway they can inky get up to the car by the wheels so try to spray deer yew oil on your wheels and fenders plus a few puff in the engine room.
I found a nest next to the battery last year but never in the far.
Anyway they can inky get up to the car by the wheels so try to spray deer yew oil on your wheels and fenders plus a few puff in the engine room.
What is deer yew oil? Where can it be obtained? I've tried googling it but no success.
Hello, As I have only had Babs for about 6 weeks, are the above situations with mice, when parked in a garage, or in the open air. Any advice, if it happens when parked ungaraged please.
I think that link is for a different spray ?
It says - If the sow willingly accepts the pressure, she is ready for insemination.
Ha ha sorry maybe it is the wrong thing then.
I couldn’t find a translation but in Latin it’s Pyroleum Animale Crudum" Maybe you can find it then.
I am resurrecting this thread to provide a couple pictures regarding the possible ingress of mice into the Cali cabin.

Quick backstory, we began a month-long trip beginning on Vancouver Island (our home) in Canada, and running across the northern interior of British Columbia. Our van was parked for six days while we did a sea kayaking trip in the Broughton archipelago, and then we took a ferry to the mainland and began camping every night across the interior of BC. About three days into the mainland part of the trip we heard scurrying in the cabin while we slept - sure enough, we actually saw a mouse. By the time we set up a ‘human powered trap’ and caught the first one, we noticed there was actually two in the cabin. We were unable to catch the second one, so once we arrived at a large enough town, we purchased a couple simple snap traps. To make a long story short, by the time we reached the beginning of the forth week of our trip, we have caught no less than four mice.

Having read on the forums here that the only possible ingress site being mentioned was the waste water drain, I took the opportunity at a decent campsite in Fernie BC to at least temporarily plug this possible ingress point (this was today, just an hour ago from the post).

The first picture shows how rather large that opening is and the second shows my extremely rudimentary and certainly only temporary solution, where I used several layers of duct tape to close the opening. Of course, as an early model Cali owner in Canada, duct tape is an important on the road repair tool.

Once we return home I will swap out steel wool and speed tape (along with peppermint oil) for the temporary fix.

In the meantime if we get another unwanted ‘guest’ during the last 6 days of our trip, it should be easy to confirm this as the entry point.
Sorry, I posted with my other account and don’t think it allows posting pics.

Let me try here.






Ours refuse to enter the Cali, she prefers to stay at home.
We had rats all over the car we leave at our place in Spain. I was a bit sceptical,but bought one of those sonic devices. Rat free for six months now. After your experience I am putting one in our Cali.

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