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Leisure Battery use with no hook up question


Katie T

T5 SE 140
Hi there

Sorry for basic question!
I am planning to be without a hook up for 3 nights and wondered about percentages left in batteries etc. Is it fine to run them low or is there a percentage you shouldn't go below- say 10% battery power remaining etc.
Sorry, have only used HU so far so still learning....
Thanks x
Hi Katie
What are you planning on running?

Typically, Three days with a compressor fridge should be no problem

Charge via hook up lead at home, for 24hours minimum before leaving. Just make sure the battery is full
Hi there

Sorry for basic question!
I am planning to be without a hook up for 3 nights and wondered about percentages left in batteries etc. Is it fine to run them low or is there a percentage you shouldn't go below- say 10% battery power remaining etc.
Sorry, have only used HU so far so still learning....
Thanks x
50% is regarded as the minimum. The built in Fridge will cut off at 11.5v but the lights and use of the 12v sockets run from the Leisure Batteries can drive the voltage lower.
It is better to use the Voltage rather than the % which is a calculation and can be a bit iffy.
If you use the Cali for any trips during the day you'll obviously recharge the batteries to some degree.
just wondered as you said 3 nights.
Hi, 4 days and nights running fridge on level 3, minimal lighting and charging phones at a popular music festival in super hot weather.......
Not been longer than about 24 hrs on batteries before so was a bit concerned my beer may end up warm.
The very helpful and informative chart from Mr Gas is accurate as on the last night using lights with fridge running the voltage briefly dropped to 11.9 volts. In the morning it showed 12.1 volts and 50% so pleased to report 96 hours of cold beer, milk and salad
I reckon 3 days in summer wouldn't be an issue. I charged the leisure batteries for 24 hrs. before setting off and when returning home... HTH
I take mine to a popular music festival every year for 5 days and usually run it down to 30% on the last morning with no ill effects. You will be fine for three days.
We did 3 days with no hook up last weekend and down to 12.2 volts (50%-60%) on Welsh Gas chart, with no problem. Also don't forget to turn off cab lights, radio etc or manage them carefully as so as not to drain your engine battery which wont be getting any top up from EHU.
Hi. When the leisure battery runs low and the roof is up on mine, the roof falls about an inch and then holds. The first time it happenned we were in bed and it was a bit like headless chicken little thought the sky was falling. We laughed about it after though!
Hi. When the leisure battery runs low and the roof is up on mine, the roof falls about an inch and then holds. The first time it happenned we were in bed and it was a bit like headless chicken little thought the sky was falling. We laughed about it after though!
10 hrs after Ignition Off, with the roof up, the clever electronics check the Roof Hydraulic Pressure. If it has dropped then the system re-pressures automatically. Often happens at about 3am and scares the life out of you first time it occurs. The pressure is then re-checked every 10 hrs thereafter.
The Roof Hydraulic System runs off the Leisure Batteries, so if it can’t re-pressurise then it would drop. Running the engine for a while will allow the Roof to re-pressurise.
I've had the van in a campsite no hookup for 5 days no problem, using fridge, lights, & charging my laptop. I don't charge it up at home beforehand as I live in a flat so not possible. I switch the ignition on when I'm raising or lowering the roof.
Hi there

Sorry for basic question!
I am planning to be without a hook up for 3 nights and wondered about percentages left in batteries etc. Is it fine to run them low or is there a percentage you shouldn't go below- say 10% battery power remaining etc.
Sorry, have only used HU so far so still learning....
Thanks x
You all shouldt have in mind, the the Leisure Batteries
Hi there

Sorry for basic question!
I am planning to be without a hook up for 3 nights and wondered about percentages left in batteries etc. Is it fine to run them low or is there a percentage you shouldn't go below- say 10% battery power remaining etc.
Sorry, have only used HU so far so still learning....
Thanks x
You should make sure that the onboard batteries lose their lifespan when the capacity drops below 50% several times. This is also the reason why the fridge / heater is switched off automatically. This affects all batteries except LifePo4 types.

Note: by using a charging booster instead of the VW isolating relay, the on-board batteries are charged faster and better (capacity).
I installed this device:

I've had the van in a campsite no hookup for 5 days no problem, using fridge, lights, & charging my laptop. I don't charge it up at home beforehand as I live in a flat so not possible. I switch the ignition on when I'm raising or lowering the roof.
Switching the Ignition On when using the Roof is just a Safety precaution to prevent accidental/unintended use of the Roof . The roof only uses the Leisure Batteries. If they are too depleted the Control Panel instructs you to Start the Engine.
I've had a problem with that recently, after three 4-day festivals. After three days, the capacity suddenly plummeted to 20%, and around 9 volts.. Changed the batteries (Duracell - about half the price of VWs) and last weekend I did 3.5 days with fridge, radio (I have a switch to redirect my radio to the leisure batteries) and phone charging, and the capacity was still 50% with voltage at over 12. I'm happy with that.
If they are too depleted the Control Panel instructs you to Start the Engine.
Oh, right - on one or two occasions the roof hasn't worked without starting the engine, so now I always do that - will try not bothering in future. Thanks WG.
If you have the T5.1, how do the leisure batteries charge while driving? If they charge up to 100% like mine, there is no problem. If they only charge to 12,4V (+- 80%) then it is not that ideal.
I've no idea whether it does or not, I don't check the display. But it's never been a problem and we seldom use a hook-up except if it's offered free at a campsite. We only use it for lighting, fridge and charging phones. But we don't normally stay for more than a couple of days in any one place, so it gets charged up by driving. Don't know how. Or even if we have the T5.1, come to that.
So, I just went out and had a look at the display. Interesting. You're right, it only registers 80% - we drove three hours back home last night so it had plenty of charging time, and that's the result.
Very strange that you put a 2008 California 2.5 in your avatar, and as vehicle you say you have a 140 hp?

Normally a T5 (first series) will charge the leisure batteries up to 100% while driving.
Mine does too as I don't have the option Blue Motion Technology of € 450 that "could" save me up to 0.5 liters / 100 km.
Every time I drive, all the 3 batteries are always fully charged (at least if I drive long enough).
Don't know why it says T5 SE 140, I think it should be 130. I'll try and change it.
Ok, now changed to 130. No idea why it doesn't charge to 100% though.

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