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capt kirk

capt kirk

VIP Member
surrey hampshire borders
T6 Ocean 150
Had a bit of a funny turn Wednesday night, got up from the sofa and tripped over the carpet. My leg was numb and my foot was dragging hence the trip, called 111 and they said well send an ambulance !!!!!!!!!. Jump to chase, trapped sciatic nerve and NO DRIVING until fixed. bugger. Talking about an op with the covid backlog could take a year. AAAAARRGGHHH.
chauffeurs to cart me about from coffee shop to campsites in southern England, accommodation provided
What with covid its just one thing after another.......:Nailbiting
Still look on the Brightside might get a blue badge....
Had a bit of a funny turn Wednesday night, got up from the sofa and tripped over the carpet. My leg was numb and my foot was dragging hence the trip, called 111 and they said well send an ambulance !!!!!!!!!. Jump to chase, trapped sciatic nerve and NO DRIVING until fixed. bugger. Talking about an op with the covid backlog could take a year. AAAAARRGGHHH.
chauffeurs to cart me about from coffee shop to campsites in southern England, accommodation provided
What with covid its just one thing after another.......:Nailbiting
Still look on the Brightside might get a blue badge....
Maybe worth looking at this site?

So sorry to read this. I had spine surgery 2 years ago. An agonising 10 mths prior to that… hope all goes well for you.
Did it work, ive had back issues for about ten years
Yes. I had a cycling accident at Uni on Oxford in 1988 and hadn’t realised how much it had affected me until it finally ‘went’ 3 years ago after I cut down a 20m Lelandii hedge manually.
My dog agility friend trainers and friends all comment about how much better I run since the op. But also, I can now do simple things like mowing the lawn without pain - which I had never before been able to do.
Google piriformis

I have had classic sciatic problems for tens of years, I have had many many sessions of treatment, none worked,
I have been offered referral for an operation to cut the muscles causing the issue ! Which I declined

A doctor did not diagnose piriformis, I found it by accident one day when I could hardly move.

a couple of weeks after stretching daily then a couple of months doing the exercise when the tightness and pain returned, I have not had a significant attack now for several years !
this is / was my go to exercise when I have issues

the knee stretch exercise simply works when done over a period of time.
you’ll know when your doing it right when you get a slight stress pain in your buttock.
I found the relief instant, but the longer term relief comes gradually.

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I was another almost crippled by Piriformis Syndrome. I went to a chiropracter who asked me where it hurt, gave it a sharp poke that nearly had me in the air, then told me I didn't need a lot of expensive treatment, just heat and simple massage.
The heat was provided by a hot water bottle later replaced by an electric heat pad, and the massage by a combination of tennis ball and wall!

Stand with your back to the wall, roll a tennis ball around the affected buttock till you find the painful spot, then hold the ball between you and the wall and move around so it massages the spot. As hard or as gentle as you find best, I found hard worked best.

I started with these several times a day then when it eased off I did it immediately I got the slightest twinge, haven't had to do it for a very long time now.
I know everyones case is different but I had a couple of badly herniated discs aggravated by rolling a racing car and was unable to move a couple of years ago so I feel your pain. could not lay down to sleep and existed in a weird stooped shuffle for weeks. Took me nearly a week to make it to the hospital who immediately wanted to perform surgery.

Following some discussions with some experienced back surgeons, the advice was to avoid operations if at all possible, this from a man who specialises in back operations! I won't say it was easy but it improved daily and I am in better shape now than I was when the accident occurred 8 years ago.

Over 80% of adults have some form of disc herniation, its all about our bodies pain tolerance which once triggered, causes the spasms, getting the pain threshold back up is the key and this needs stretching and movement. There are some really interesting research articles out there on new thinking in lower back treatment and the days of lay still, don't move are long gone. Wish you luck with your recovery, what ever path you take and always happy to help a fellow sufferer talk through the process.
Had a bit of a funny turn Wednesday night, got up from the sofa and tripped over the carpet. My leg was numb and my foot was dragging hence the trip, called 111 and they said well send an ambulance !!!!!!!!!. Jump to chase, trapped sciatic nerve and NO DRIVING until fixed. bugger. Talking about an op with the covid backlog could take a year. AAAAARRGGHHH.
chauffeurs to cart me about from coffee shop to campsites in southern England, accommodation provided
What with covid its just one thing after another.......:Nailbiting
Still look on the Brightside might get a blue badge....
Have you had a scan or X-ray? I can tell you the very last thing you want is an operation in that area. I had the same problem as you back in February. The pain was so bad I got my wife to take be to A&E. Had an X-ray and diagnosed problems with 4&5 th vertebrae. would have had to wait at least a month before I could get a telephone consultation on the NHS. Certainly no face to face or hands on. So I went to see a private chiropractor. At first nothing but after 6-7 visits it started to improve in the end was quite brutal but after 11 visits and roughly 6 weeks it had gone. No pain and Back to normal. When I say the pain was bad I have never in my whole life felt anything like it and at times I wanted to end it all. My Chiropractor told me the last possible thing you want to consider is an operation on your spine. It’s such a fine line .
My thoughts exactly, i am going down this route, just trying to find a recommended one in my area. Last time i had physio on it i couldn't walk for three days.
Good luck anyway. A physiotherapist or chiropractor my hurt when they do their work on you but hopefully it will work out fine. Keep at it and don’t give up...There were many times I thought there was no hope of getting back to normality . But in the end it worked out fine.
just an update
Tried osteopath, did his thing and said I needed surgery and nothing he could do.......
got a phone call same day, could I attend Farnham hospital yesterday,
emergency surgery booked for 2nd august.
said if I hadn't gone to hospital when I did I might not have regained the full use of my legs. three vertebrae severely crushing nerves and I need urgent spacing.
Thanks to all those who recommended stuff and I did try some of them but only seemed to make things more painful. Not looking forward to having some guy I don't know messing with stuff in my back but after looking at the scans with him I don't seem to have much choice. I'm sure it will all be for the best and hope to be back driving soon.
Not looking forward to hospital food....mind you the bacon rolls at Frimley Park are fab.
Yes. I had a cycling accident at Uni on Oxford in 1988 and hadn’t realised how much it had affected me until it finally ‘went’ 3 years ago after I cut down a 20m Lelandii hedge manually.
My dog agility friend trainers and friends all comment about how much better I run since the op. But also, I can now do simple things like mowing the lawn without pain - which I had never before been able to do.
if you dont mind me asking how was the recovery period.
just an update
Tried osteopath, did his thing and said I needed surgery and nothing he could do.......
got a phone call same day, could I attend Farnham hospital yesterday,
emergency surgery booked for 2nd august.
said if I hadn't gone to hospital when I did I might not have regained the full use of my legs. three vertebrae severely crushing nerves and I need urgent spacing.
Thanks to all those who recommended stuff and I did try some of them but only seemed to make things more painful. Not looking forward to having some guy I don't know messing with stuff in my back but after looking at the scans with him I don't seem to have much choice. I'm sure it will all be for the best and hope to be back driving soon.
Not looking forward to hospital food....mind you the bacon rolls at Frimley Park are fab.
Hi @capt kirk, sorry to hear your news but pleased you’ve got an urgent appointment. Different scenario but my mate waited two years for surgery. Good luck on the 2nd.
I guess it just shows how we put up with things sometimes until its too late....
note to self.......listen to the voices .....:thumb
I hope you are better soon, sorry to hear that you need surgery.
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just an update
Tried osteopath, did his thing and said I needed surgery and nothing he could do.......
got a phone call same day, could I attend Farnham hospital yesterday,
emergency surgery booked for 2nd august.
said if I hadn't gone to hospital when I did I might not have regained the full use of my legs. three vertebrae severely crushing nerves and I need urgent spacing.
Thanks to all those who recommended stuff and I did try some of them but only seemed to make things more painful. Not looking forward to having some guy I don't know messing with stuff in my back but after looking at the scans with him I don't seem to have much choice. I'm sure it will all be for the best and hope to be back driving soon.
Not looking forward to hospital food....mind you the bacon rolls at Frimley Park are fab.
Was watching Supervet the other night and they did that job on a Doberman, seemed to work. And yours will be free!

Seriously though, best of luck and hope you'll be Cali'ing again before you know it.
Just wait for the bit when you go into surgery and they tell you , once they’re done they’re going to wake you up and get you to wiggle your toes, just to make sure they’ve got buggered anything up before they stitch you up

True story. Happened to me.
I was vaguely aware of someone shouting in the distance “move your toes” before the anaesthetist put me back under.
Double Harrington rod. Bone graft to fuse 6 vertebrae.
Just wait for the bit when you go into surgery and they tell you , once they’re done they’re going to wake you up and get you to wiggle your toes, just to make sure they’ve got buggered anything up before they stitch you up

True story. Happened to me.
I was vaguely aware of someone shouting in the distance “move your toes” before the anaesthetist put me back under.
Double Harrington rod. Bone graft to fuse 6 vertebrae.
So are u all good now, i hope so
Just wait for the bit when you go into surgery and they tell you , once they’re done they’re going to wake you up and get you to wiggle your toes, just to make sure they’ve got buggered anything up before they stitch you up

True story. Happened to me.
I was vaguely aware of someone shouting in the distance “move your toes” before the anaesthetist put me back under.
Double Harrington rod. Bone graft to fuse 6 vertebrae.
Used to do that when correcting spinal deformaties but then moved to direct spinal cord stimulation and monitoring as more specific & accurate as well as more pleasant for the patient. Most of the patients we dealt with were children.
Used to do that when correcting spinal deformaties but then moved to direct spinal cord stimulation and monitoring as more specific & accurate as well as more pleasant for the patient. Most of the patients we dealt with were children.
Cant wiggle my toes now…..
Used to do that when correcting spinal deformaties but then moved to direct spinal cord stimulation and monitoring as more specific & accurate as well as more pleasant for the patient. Most of the patients we dealt with were children.
My scoliosis was corrected in 1983 age 21. Truly terrified when I was told that they were going to do what I described. Perfect job and it’s been fine ever since. Can’t ride a bike no handed, I veer off to one side but everything else is good.