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Any £10 poms out there...

T5 SE 140
Just wondering if there are any £10 Poms on the forum. Served my time from 69 - 72. Many adventures all over in our T2 split screen 1200. Has anyone on here done the same..Went Nov 69 on P&O to hear what you did.
All of my mums family were on the £10 pom deal. My aunt and uncle went in 69 to get away from my Nan but unfortunately for them she followed in 71. They nearly came back after she showed up. They ended up in south Australia and now reside in littlehampton SA
All of my mums family were on the £10 pom deal. My aunt and uncle went in 69 to get away from my Nan but unfortunately for them she followed in 71. They nearly came back after she showed up. They ended up in south Australia and now reside in littlehampton SA
That’s brilliant, thanks for that..Do you know the ship they sailed on..There were an awful lot of us went out in 69 and hoping not to end up in Vietnam which a lot of us did.
I’m going to be speaking to them tomorrow on FaceTime so I’m going to ask that question as I’m now curious to know now
My Uncle and aunt were £10 Poms and resided in Melbourne before ending up in Launceston Tasmainia, sadly neither are with us any longer but I have 3 cousins spread in Tas and Melbourne.
Slightly off what you were asking.
My Uncle and aunt were £10 Poms and resided in Melbourne before ending up in Launceston Tasmainia, sadly neither are with us any longer but I have 3 cousins spread in Tas and Melbourne.
Slightly off what you were asking.
Just trying to see if I can find anyone from those days..I went with my mate and landed in Sydney.. Those days so much work around not like today..
Parents and my Brother sailed in 1961 as £10 poms landed in Sydney. I was born 1963 and for some time we all travelled around Australia in a VW Combi van doing different jobs.Made it North to Brisbane and as far south as Tasmania. Came back to Britain in 1970 on the Orsova.
After a while we bought the VW combi. Travelled 7000 odd miles round Australia. Up to Alice then over to Perth. Broke down 13 times and the worst being a conrod destroying the crankcases Just South of Alice.. How the VW has evolved. Slightly more reliable now.. Ours was a 1200 motor, 18 mpg and 45 mph down hill wind behind us..
Good old days. Lol.
After a while we bought the VW combi. Travelled 7000 odd miles round Australia. Up to Alice then over to Perth. Broke down 13 times and the worst being a conrod destroying the crankcases Just South of Alice.. How the VW has evolved. Slightly more reliable now.. Ours was a 1200 motor, 18 mpg and 45 mph down hill wind behind us..
Good old days. Lol.
Peter Roberts did exactly the same the same thing and
he also resides in Wales, small world innit :)

Merry Christmas Pete, if your still following this forum.
Stick to the topic. That’s if it’s ok.
I was a £13 Pom, flown to New Zealand in 1974 had three great years, ended up working at the naval base in Devonport, Auckland. Came back to explore Europe just like many of my Kiwi chums. Bought a Holdsworth bay window camper from one of the many available from sellers parked outside Australia house. Happy days indeed, complicated reasons for not returning, maybe next year for an extended holiday.
I was a £13 Pom, flown to New Zealand in 1974 had three great years, ended up working at the naval base in Devonport, Auckland. Came back to explore Europe just like many of my Kiwi chums. Bought a Holdsworth bay window camper from one of the many available from sellers parked outside Australia house. Happy days indeed, complicated reasons for not returning, maybe next year for an extended holiday.
Wow £13.. that was nearly a weeks wages.. We visited NZ on the way home.. Looked really nice always said I would go back one day but decided that memories were better..In those days in OZ we always carried a 30-30 Winchester with us on our travels...Could you even imagine doing that today... Yes happy days indeed.. I’m going to have a scout round for some pics to put on..In the days of the instamatic
Wow £13.. that was nearly a weeks wages.. We visited NZ on the way home.. Looked really nice always said I would go back one day but decided that memories were better..In those days in OZ we always carried a 30-30 Winchester with us on our travels...Could you even imagine doing that today... Yes happy days indeed.. I’m going to have a scout round for some pics to put on..In the days of the instamatic
Our wedding pictures were taken on such an optical triumph, just the pair of us and 4 New Zealand chums, had to get hitched to ensure my future wife was not deported, migrants hey.

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