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I look at the forum a lot on my iPhone and post a few messages and someone always responds with 'use the search function'; however am I being blind or does the search function not appear when the forum is viewed on an iPhone?

Hi , took me a while to find out also in the beginning ......and you all know i am supposed to be the "King of the search"

On my Iphone 5 it is hidden next to the red box if you tap the ...

Just thinking about recent ruffled feathers of a new member who didn't know about the search function: wouldn't it be great if every time anyone began typing words into the title of a new thread (not the forum search window), the forum software brought up suggested titles of previous forum threads based on the key words typed in, something like google search does? This would skip over the step of using the search function before posting a new thread, and it might save a lot of time not just for the new member, but for all of us. I'm thinking especially about the tireless moderators who have to spend so much time relocating duplicate and erroneously placed threads, distracting them from other issues that may be developing.

I think that this would give a huge boost to the utility of the Forum, and increase it's popularity for new and prospective members.
I don't mind looking up threads and merge , or pointing people in the right direction .
Thing is not everyone seems to appriciate moderating , others feel attact if pointing them out to do a search or use and read existing threads before starting a question that's been asked and answerd (sevral) times before.
Most know there's the possibilty to search but don't bother or use not the correct keywords , or like me have faulty spelling as Englisch is not my native language ( now how long before one points me out a spelfault in this post;))
I understand new folks not know the forum inside out but this is not facebook or whatsapp where you simply throw in any question just random .
There are certain things you need to keep in mind when joining and starting a thread/post.
Also providing the right ammount of info when asking something thats also a stressfactor , people start replying things that are not relevant or funny/sarcastic answers which not always are well recieved on the other end.
Just my 50cent

As for your original question , automatic suggestions when typing in the title , i think the admins have looked in to this before but not sure why it can not be done .
@Martin @calikev ?
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I don't mind looking up threads and merge , or pointing people in the right direction .
Thing is not everyone seems to appriciate moderating , others feel attact if pointing them out to do a search or use and read existing threads before starting a question that's been asked and answerd (sevral) times before.
Most know there's the possibilty to search but don't bother or use not the correct keywords , or like me have faulty spelling as Englisch is not my native language ( now how long before one points me out a spelfault in this post;))
I understand new folks not know the forum inside out but this is not facebook or whatsapp where you simply throw in any question just random .
There are certain things you need to keep in mind when joining and starting a thread/post.
Also provinding the right ammount of info when asking something thats also a stressfactor , people start replying things that are not relevant or funny/sarcastic answers which not always are well recieved on the other end.
Just my 50cent

As for your original question , automatic suggestions when typing in the title , i think the admins have looked in to this before but not sure why it can not be done .
@Martin @calikev ?
It might be just as simple as having an automatic pop-up message when someone starts typing a new thread title, "Have you checked the Forum search function for existing relevant threads?"
Just thinking about recent ruffled feathers of a new member who didn't know about the search function: wouldn't it be great if every time anyone began typing words into the title of a new thread (not the forum search window), the forum software brought up suggested titles of previous forum threads based on the key words typed in, something like google search does? This would skip over the step of using the search function before posting a new thread, and it might save a lot of time not just for the new member, but for all of us. I'm thinking especially about the tireless moderators who have to spend so much time relocating duplicate and erroneously placed threads, distracting them from other issues that may be developing.

I think that this would give a huge boost to the utility of the Forum, and increase it's popularity for new and prospective members.
I like it the way it is, innocent person posts a common problem, gets a bit of abuse
from HC :) and some others, a bit of brexit and covid mixed in and it makes for
good reading at breakfast time.
I forgot about the chickens.
Covid and Brexit will be whisked away by moderators and I’m thinking of fitting a chicken coop to the bike rack for next month’s Denmark/Norway/Finland/ St. Petersburg/ Estonia/ Poland/Slovenia/Greece/Libya/Morocco/Portugal/Bcn tour, so I guess that leaves us with Calinnocent abuse as entertainment...should we have a Poll?
I don't mind looking up threads and merge , or pointing people in the right direction .
Thing is not everyone seems to appriciate moderating , others feel attact if pointing them out to do a search or use and read existing threads before starting a question that's been asked and answerd (sevral) times before.
Most know there's the possibilty to search but don't bother or use not the correct keywords , or like me have faulty spelling as Englisch is not my native language ( now how long before one points me out a spelfault in this post;))
I understand new folks not know the forum inside out but this is not facebook or whatsapp where you simply throw in any question just random .
There are certain things you need to keep in mind when joining and starting a thread/post.
Also providing the right ammount of info when asking something thats also a stressfactor , people start replying things that are not relevant or funny/sarcastic answers which not always are well recieved on the other end.
Just my 50cent

As for your original question , automatic suggestions when typing in the title , i think the admins have looked in to this before but not sure why it can not be done .
@Martin @calikev ?
I’ve seen an answer like that before hotel should have used the Search function before replying like that ;)
I have better success if I use google.
Just start the search with VW California forum and then the question...

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