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New Top Gear



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Not liking it!

Neither is the rest of Social Media, Evans is trying to be too much like Clarkson and it is not working.
I gave up with the runners BBC trying too hard,
Yeah, good 'evans?

Not watching that and missing the sunset!
No .. Gave it a chance .. Didn't like it ... No feeling between them ..need clarkson, May and Hammond back ... Or get Amazon prime
I thought it was ok to be honest. I had started getting tired of the over the top antics of the other 3 - they were turning into caricatures of themselves. The new presenters need to gel together a bit, but as a first episode not bad at all.
I have been a fan of top gear for many years as an entertainment programme and last night was god awful, Chris Evans and Le Blanc had no chemistry between them at all, also why was Evans shouting all the time?

I think this will have high viewing figures for the first episode but will nose dive over the coming weeks.

I may give it one last try next week but I don't hold out much hope.
I have hated top gear for many years so hopefully it will lead to its collapse and a decent show in its place. I didn't watch last nights show as I haven't got much time for Chris Evans either.

Much as I was a fan of 'old' Top Gear, plus presenters Clarkson, May and (not so much) Hammond, I do think it was starting to get a bit stale and in need of a re-fresh. As a car based entertainment programme I thought the content in last nights show was actually quite good (even my anti TG wife quite enjoyed it). Time will tell over the choice of presenters - personally I think they should have gone for less well known or perhaps established motoring journalists and given the whole thing a bit of a shake up. Chris Evans (who I don't usually mind) was IMO trying too hard to be JC and Matt le Blanc I'm not sure about yet. I do think Sabine Schmitz is very funny and a good inclusion though - hope she is involved in the series a bit more.
I'll stick with it - last nights show grew on me and maybe the series will yet do so as a whole.
Think I will switch off the "record series". Very disappointed
Much as I was a fan of 'old' Top Gear, plus presenters Clarkson, May and (not so much) Hammond, I do think it was starting to get a bit stale and in need of a re-fresh. As a car based entertainment programme I thought the content in last nights show was actually quite good (even my anti TG wife quite enjoyed it). Time will tell over the choice of presenters - personally I think they should have gone for less well known or perhaps established motoring journalists and given the whole thing a bit of a shake up. Chris Evans (who I don't usually mind) was IMO trying too hard to be JC and Matt le Blanc I'm not sure about yet. I do think Sabine Schmitz is very funny and a good inclusion though - hope she is involved in the series a bit more.
I'll stick with it - last nights show grew on me and maybe the series will yet do so as a whole.
Certainly agree about Sabine, she was great fun when she tried to get round the Nurburgring in a Transit in 10 minutes during the Jezza days, so I'd be glad to see her get more screen time.
Sadly Chris Evans was a real turn off - I've never liked him much and he was really wound up and in shouty mode in the first episode.
And as for leBlanc.....well we know that he is only there to appeal to foreign audiences as Evans isn't known outside of the UK, and that he's only doing this series so can't get into him at all.
Looking forward to seeing Eddie Jordan at some point though.
I also thought that top gear had gone stale and the time had come to try something a bit different but so far they've just been trying to copy what's gone before. I used to love the "races" they used to do, down to Switzerland or Italy to Blackpool or whatever. There was none of that in more recent series.
I'll watch the rest of the series though to give it chance but will also be watching the new amazon prime series with the gruesome threesome and see how that works out

Sent from my Galaxy S6
Its early days yet and it'll probably improve. Pity thought that they did not make the move to a fresher format. The Reliant 3 wheeler piece was turgid and boring and sticking laser canons on top of the muscle cars just daft, though Sabine making the Top Gun bloke chuck up was funny. The Ariel Nomad piece was good though so not all bad.

It would be nice to see bikes and other forms of transport regularly featured as would a little bit more factual content and a talent point was made by a commentator when he pointed out that none of the cast seem to have any experiencing in motoring journalism.

I'd do the motorhome section but I think I might have missed the call and I'd probably be a bit biased.
More Chris Harris and less Chris Evans would please me. I don't like that Evans character at all, very disturbing voice which I had problems hearing what he said.
A lot of series aren't very good in the first seasons, it may get better with age. In fact the first few series of top gear weren't exactly brilliant.

I am yet to watch it, not sure I am bothered. It may however mature and get better.

I did like the old trio but it was more like a road sitcom in the later years as opposed to a genuine car show.
I really wanted to like this because I found the old format getting a bit stale and repetitive. It was always going to be a challenge for me because I am not a big Chris Evans fan. I found him very 'shouty' particularly in the studio pieces. But I am prepared to give it a chance. Hopefully the other presenters will be given more airtime as the series goes on. I did like the change to the rallycross car. Hopefully a few more changes will come in as the series progresses.
I don't think I've watched TG for years.
It turned into quite a dopy programme imho.
It doesn't sound as if the recent incarnation is any better.
I did record it though so I might well look and see what all the fuss's about!
I don't think I've watched TG for years.
It turned into quite a dopy programme imho.
It doesn't sound as if the recent incarnation is any better.
I did record it though so I might well look and see what all the fuss's about!
I recorded it and it took me about 10 minutes to skip through it looking for anything worthwhile!
Watched it - couldnt get the thought of a hitman and the best thing i could do with £5000.00 cash out of my head ....
Exactly what I expected - almost the same formula but with new presenters, who behaved exactly as I expected them to. The Amazon version will be more interesting as they will shake up the format (a bit) again

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